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[GM] Clan League: Semifinals!

This will work similarly to how the world championships did. There will be multiple mods each round, 7 mods specifically.
There must be at least 3 players present for each round, any less and you cannot play.

If one player plays 2 matches or more in one mod, they cannot play at all for the next mod!

Deadline has been shortened to one week for semifinals and finals, but we can be more flexible with it if more time is needed.

Basically, just don't let one guy do everything, spread it about evenly and you're fine.
Spectators from the 2 fighting clans are not allowed, if you're in the room, you fight.

The mods are as follow:
Brushu (x4)
Taekkyon (x4)
Judofrac (x4)
Aikido (x4)
Lenshu3ng (x3)
swfixed (x3)

This weeks mystery mod will be RK-MMA.tbm
(changed due to issues with balance.tbm)

The mod may repeat, and it WILL be a bit different. Add a bit of spice y'know?
Next mystery mod is a SUPER DUPER SECRET.


1st. Untradable 2013 Clan League winner trophy*, Achievement*, TP/VIP*, 150k, Full Alpha Imperial, Demon Relax, Pure Force, SECRET UNRELEASED ITEM PRIZE

2nd. Untradable 2013 Clan League runner up trophy*, Achievement*, TP*, 100k, Full Static, Pure Relax

3rd. Achievement*, TP*, 50k, Magma Force/lax

Credit to jusmi for the banner

Deadlines are there for a reason and must be met, save being disqualified from the competition. If you have complaints or queries, pm us.
Should a deadline not be met, and it is not your fault, you must pm us 24 hours before the deadline and let us know!

The deadline for the semifinals is...


There is now an IRC channel specifically for people to set up matches and to discuss anything ingame related. We STRONGLY advise that you use it.
It's called #events. Get in there.

Use the god damn IRC you scrubs.

From myself and the GameMaster team, good luck and happy bashing!

Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Team Girl Scouts has been disqualified from the Clan League due to:

Clan hopping members (Shmevin)
Using another clan's member to fight semifinals and finals (
Not using all members present in the server to fight the semifinal battle
Generally dishonorable intent and conduct

The TGS vs Alpha match will be considered invalid and Alpha will receive a by to the finals. Vector will receive the Bronze Cup upon the conclusion of the Clan League.

Semifinals concluded.


Finals will be postponed until I figure out what the fuck is going on with TGS.
Last edited by Thorn; Oct 27, 2013 at 06:04 PM.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
Team Girl Scouts has been disqualified from the Clan League due to:

Clan hopping members (Shmevin)
Using another clan's member to fight semifinals and finals (
Not using all members present in the server to fight the semifinal battle
Generally dishonorable intent and conduct

The TGS vs Alpha match will be considered invalid and Alpha will receive a by to the finals. Vector will receive the Bronze Cup upon the conclusion of the Clan League.

Semifinals concluded.


Finals will be postponed until I figure out what the fuck is going on with TGS.

The rules does not mention clan hopping, I guess making up rules as you go is one way to run a league...
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
I think the integrity of the clan itself is a valid concern. Many members plan to leave the clan after the league ends, the way I understand it. Having a bunch of mercenaries band together just for the event really isn't the spirit of the clan league. That's why there was a minimum age. Of course, that wasn't mentioned in the rules either. Does sort of violate the spirit of the event though. The more valid accusation I see up there is not having all players in the room fight. I'm interested to see how this works out, seems a bit rash to just DQ tgs though, a more thorough investigation seems wise. Glad you postponed finals for that reason.
Originally Posted by rcarey View Post
I think the integrity of the clan itself is a valid concern. Many members plan to leave the clan after the league ends, the way I understand it. Having a bunch of mercenaries band together just for the event really isn't the spirit of the clan league. That's why there was a minimum age. Of course, that wasn't mentioned in the rules either. Does sort of violate the spirit of the event though. The more valid accusation I see up there is not having all players in the room fight. I'm interested to see how this works out, seems a bit rash to just DQ tgs though, a more thorough investigation seems wise. Glad you postponed finals for that reason.

I like that, this man talks sense.


Ignoring that, things are being looked into and courses of action decided upon, slaps handed out and maybe a bit of fisting.

Throng'll let you all know what's going on once he's got it all sorted.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Alright, let me break this down.

Originally Posted by rcarey View Post
Many members plan to leave the clan after the league ends, the way I understand it.

I'm not entirely sure why you'd think that "many" of our members plan to leave after the league has concluded, given that Natejas was the only person to make a public post saying that he would, which he later clarified here to be a misunderstanding. Any other rumors you've heard about our members jumping ship are just that: rumors.
Originally Posted by rcarey View Post
Having a bunch of mercenaries band together just for the event really isn't the spirit of the clan league. That's why there was a minimum age.

Yes. There is a minimum age requirement. A requirement that we met. We did not just "band together" to take home the clan league, we're a group of friends that had known each other for an extended period of time, and only just now had gotten around to making a lasting group.
Originally Posted by rcarey View Post
The more valid accusation I see up there is not having all players in the room fight.

That accusation is blatantly false. I was told that there was an issue with rescheduling, so I showed up in the server for a bit to try and help talk it out. I left shortly afterwards. Lane showed up in the server at the very end of the final fight, so it would've been literally impossible for him to have played if we'd wanted him to. Those are the only two instances of our members not playing.

No offense meant by this, of course, but I'd prefer to clear this kind of stuff up as it arises instead of just letting it sit here.
Preposterously dank.
To be honest, if you didn't want them to be in the clan league then you shouldn't have let them take part in the first place. Making up rules just to get rid of "that one clan we don't like" is a wrong and biased move. You should have made the rules and conditions clear before starting the whole event. New rules introduced during the course of the event shouldn't have any retroactive effect.

EDIT: Also, disqualification for the minor offense of two members showing up for a few minutes to check on something is a bit severe.
Last edited by ynvaser7; Oct 27, 2013 at 09:31 PM.
Frankly I think that the "everyone in the room must play rule" is fairly ridiculous anyway. Not every clan consists entirely of active players and some of the forum lurkers from each clan will likely want to come and support their friends but not play. It would be like if the referee at an Arsenal match spotted Tony Adams in the crowd and threatened to disqualify them unless he marched his middle-aged backside onto the pitch or out of the stadium.

I understand the concern that the clan league should not be about one or two players winning the whole thing by themselves either. I'm sure most of us remember the absurd situation in the third clan league where RelaxAll showed up for one of their matches (I think it was against sheep) with TWO people. This problem could be solved in future competitions by the teams announcing their "competitive roster" at the start of the clan league. The minimum size of this roster can be decided by the organisers, along with the minimum number/percentage of players that need to play in each game and/or over the course of the tournament.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
No offense meant by this, of course, but I'd prefer to clear this kind of stuff up as it arises instead of just letting it sit here.

No offense taken, I fully expect you to voice your side of things, not lay there and take it. As for my sources, I won't give them away, but I didn't hear it from some nub in jousting. I heard it from the leader of a clan multiple tgs members are hoping to join later...

Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
Frankly I think that the "everyone in the room must play rule" is fairly ridiculous anyway. Not every clan consists entirely of active players and some of the forum lurkers from each clan will likely want to come and support their friends but not play.

I agree it's a silly rule, but as I soon learned alts don't count in that rule, so anyone can in fact come to observe, though why an alt should be needed to do that is beyond me.
Last edited by rcarey; Oct 27, 2013 at 09:41 PM.
The bigger offense of the ones listed was Natejas, a player who faught in clan league and lost with clan Raku being allowed to just pop up and join TGS in the semi finals to play a large role in their war with us.

If TGS DQ was reversed, RelaxAll would be facing Natejas twice now.

For the same reason why you wouldn't like Alpha having Leyz, Erth, and Pain before the semis, obviously that's quite the big deal.

I'm not a part of this investigation, nor did I call for it. I woke up surprised. But I'm simply stating that's it's a very basic rule that you can't have this sort of unfair roster changes. That isn't petty semantics, that's one of the biggest rules out there to be enforced.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Oct 27, 2013 at 10:55 PM.
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