Originally Posted by SP1DEY999 View Post
thank you patriotz hope to make you proud lol...

hey, dont forget me, lol, gratz! ive known you for a long time now, and you are the most deserving of this position, just remember, with great power, comes great responsi---------- partys
join date:to NEWB: yesterday XD
reason join:i needed to learn about tori in a counstructive environment
reason induct: cuz i'm older then u d0m !!!!
(lol) I'm also willing to help others since I have known what t's like to be small and helpless in a big world...
Name: Babpadaple
Join Date*: 3-15-08
Reason I Joined:To get better at toribash and help other people get better.
Reason I Should be Inducted to Management:Because I am responsible, helpful, and I was one of GenX's advisors.
OTHER NOTES: I am a Black Belt.
Mattarang: I thought I was supposed to save a princess or something.
[NEWB]Babpadaple: Nope.
Mattarang: So there aren't any coins?

Name: Chavtizzle
Join Date*: 02-10-08
Reason I Joined: I came to be the best
Reason I Should be Inducted to Management:I kniw when to take action and i know when we may be in over our heads
OTHER NOTES: brown almost black, no special technuiqe
Proud member of _____
Originally Posted by chaztizzle View Post
Pat STFU you left NEWB i mean like omfg

brotherly love... *sigh*
Last edited by Quirkyjim; Jun 10, 2008 at 07:07 PM.
wtf is with theses NO members comming into teh NEWB forms, i mean i know they are our rivals, but the old NEWB members have changed from saying hi and stuff to comming in and flaming us.........most of our memebers are new,
of course they aren't gonna be the best, but we can't just sit and take it
Proud member of _____
Why would you bring that up?
First: There hasn't been a single post from a NO member in this whole thread (other than this.)
Secondly: Only NO member who has been invading your forums was Littodude, who has apologized for his idiotic actions, and has been told by us not to do it again.
Thirldy: We're not your rivals. We're your allies. Check your allies & enemies page before you say things.
Last edited by Delaid; Jun 11, 2008 at 04:27 AM.