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Originally Posted by Ravager View Post
So you want to but multiple colours for each part that could be dismembered so you can look pretty while your body has been obliterated?

No, just one ghost for all DM'ed joints.
Maybe you could just add many ghost colours like 6 different ones, the first on is the whole body ghost, when a joint breaks the second ghost colour colours the dm'd part and so and and so on and once you hit the 6th or what ever the amount of ghost colours you have, the cycle restarts.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
The idea is good I'm theory, but it would take so many more items to do this, there are 17 joints or so?

We'll just have to wait and see. :3
Maybe the DM'd part's ghost can just be the colour of the blood.

if you have a blue ghost and black blood, the rest of your body is blue, but the joint is black
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Originally Posted by PixelateTori View Post
Maybe the DM'd part's ghost can just be the colour of the blood.

if you have a blue ghost and black blood, the rest of your body is blue, but the joint is black

Then it wouldn't be blood lol
Dont dmed joints already turn the color of blood, why not mirror that in the ghost

whe we're at it we should make bruising the color of blood as well :3
Originally Posted by Pouffy View Post
Dont dmed joints already turn the color of blood, why not mirror that in the ghost

whe we're at it we should make bruising the color of blood as well :3

Why should bloods do so many things, it wouldn't even be a blood at that ppint.