Mars: I remember you
Veliar: rly? I'm really glad you think so, that's people like you that will give me the best moral help and will push me to do better everytime (and strange lol, I thought the second was better, you know, with all those spins)

and thanks to everyone for the comments, I'll keep the replays coming and I'll improve myself.
spryyyyyyy!!! <3

thanks guys for the comments here's another one made up in 5 mins, it sucks, still an excuse to keep this thread up till I'll do something better
Attached Files
King - footwork.rpl (99.4 KB, 53 views)
Good replay but you usually do more complex stuff before the action. Also, the transition to the pose isn't very smooth, I liked the replay though.
You're getting there.
<~Phoenix_afk> fu
i dont know you pretty good. i lol'd over your avvy one time, but i hope you'll be nice to me ;)

thanks, and yeh, it was short but just because I was bored, and made it up in a very short time.
now here's one I made for fun, I know the decap sucks but you know why, I don't want to repeat the same thing everytime :P
Attached Files
King - Whoa!!.rpl (222.3 KB, 48 views)

You so goooooood. I liked the first one, but somehow when I watched footwork.rpl, I was like "meh"

Welcome back <3
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.