Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hello I am the Clan Squad Leader, if you have any questions pm me
I am also ES and TA so if you have a question or application pm me

what if we... kill aeon...... spooky
Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

splish splash aeon is trash | [a]dventure
Originally Posted by Saturn View Post
what if we... kill aeon...... spooky

:triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::trigger happy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::t riggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerha ppy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::tri ggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhapp y::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::trigg erhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy: :triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::trigger happy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::t riggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerha ppy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::tri ggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhapp y::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::trigg erhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy: :triggerhappy::triggerhappy::triggerhappy::trigger happy:
Last edited by Saturn; Feb 4, 2020 at 08:11 PM.
typoon... make it happen......
Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

splish splash aeon is trash | [a]dventure
Originally Posted by Saturn View Post
typoon... make it happen......

[11:15 AM] Chirs: im gonna go around and edit every single one of your posts in the last two weeks to say "splish splash adventure is trash"
[11:15 AM] Chirs: don't make me do it
[12:39 PM] Typhus:

I'm sorry.. My hands are tied.
I'm the Event Squad Admin. I am also an ex-Clan Squad member. Have any questions about clans or otherwise? PM me.


Discord: Typhus#0201
splish splash Aeon is still trash
Ok boomer

I'm your top tier waifu.
Visit my panda thread!
I'm also Event Squad! Slide into my DMs for questions!
Pssst! Aeon is just boomer Adventure. Pass it on.
splish splash adventure is trash
Super Moderator, Event Squad, Market Squad. If you have any questions shoot me a PM!
if i were clan admin i would kill this clan smh
Former Admin, Smod, Market Squad, Clan Squad and Toriagent. If you got any questions please don't contact me, thank you!