Originally Posted by Ethereal View Post
Ummm, I pretty much love you Talix.

I is seconding taht.
epic pwn
Originally Posted by ingame chatz0r
[FID]borgpunx : This server is Wurstfest
[Urban-Elite]Rutzor : it brings different cultures together
[Urban-Elite]Rutzor : let's worship the Wurst
[Urban-Elite]Rutzor : and accept it as our new live preserver

Originally Posted by Talix View Post

well thanks for the warm reception. I greatly apreciate the first impression i got of this community.

Originally Posted by Talix View Post
I don't get anyway of how the avatar contains even a part of FLCL.

Episode 5 when Haruko is shooting her guitar at that Agent (who's name i forgot.. the one with those massive eyebrows) when the fight goes outside. Its what was shown as Naota and Ninamori argue about Haruko, somewhere around when Naota sais "How can i like someone who's insane?"

Originally Posted by LayZ View Post
Badass shooting super dragons are a fail IMO... What I mean is, why don't you draw a super kewl badass leather coat guy with some guns instead of err.... that...

please... i didn't want to do something that every single artists, animator and writer has done at least 5 times.
Last edited by NGMTwitch; Apr 20, 2008 at 06:58 AM.
Originally Posted by NGMTwitch View Post
well thanks for the warm reception. I greatly apreciate the first impression i got of this community.

Episode 5 when Haruko is shooting her guitar at that Agent (who's name i forgot.. the one with those massive eyebrows) when the fight goes outside. Its what was shown as Naota and Ninamori argue about Haruko, somewhere around when Naota sais "How can i like someone who's insane?"

please... i didn't want to do something that every single artists, animator and writer has done at least 5 times.

So you're a narutofag and a furfag with a massive eyebrow fetish?
Jesus fucking Christ.
Have some restraint.
That's why they do it at least 5 times - it looks far better than super-duper dragons. >_>
Originally Posted by ingame chatz0r
[FID]borgpunx : This server is Wurstfest
[Urban-Elite]Rutzor : it brings different cultures together
[Urban-Elite]Rutzor : let's worship the Wurst
[Urban-Elite]Rutzor : and accept it as our new live preserver

lol guess its only Talix that imagines sexual things when he sees the word massive.

I understand calling me a narutofag, but furfag? typical... draw something other than human and automatically get labeled as a furfag.

oh well, Why bother, I'ma just say yes and let you feel like you've acomplished something

and Layz, I'm not saying its not cool, but i wanted something different than gun-ho hero Neo/max payne wanna-be #678235 XP

I strive for unique.... ness
rooar Talix stop the flame please.
Nice stuff theren Twitch, and welcome to the community


Originally Posted by NGMTwitch View Post
well thanks for the warm reception. I greatly apreciate the first impression i got of this community.

Ignore Talix. I have a feeling he could be getting banned soon if he carries on like that.

I like the avatar. I don't know how you couldn't spot the FLCL there, but it really does bring back memories... Ah, so nostalgic... ahem.

As for the sig, I know you mentioned it was based on the old gif... But I liked the old gif a hell of a lot more. No offense. Its good though, whether or not you editted the old one or not. Well, if you created it anew, whether I like it or not, there is no doubting how incredibly skilled you are.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
oh yeah don't worry I knew ppl would like the Original more. i did so much that i just inserted my character in it since i couln't really use the original for myself seeing that the character looked nothing like me or my own character XD