Originally Posted by Xenmas View Post
Your joking right? Good grammar?

You've managed to make two mistakes there... ;p
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Aug 20, 2009 at 06:50 PM.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
You managed to make two mistakes there... ;p

What? I can spot only one ö_ö
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
Originally Posted by OldJoe View Post
What? I can spot only one ö_ö

He forgot a comma, and if you count the sentence fragment, then there are 3 mistakes.

I assume you've spotted the you're/your mistake...

EDIT: oh crap bad grammar
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Aug 20, 2009 at 07:42 PM.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
This isn't a game of spot the grammatical errors now is it?
If so, I'm sure I can see a few in all of your posts.
Originally Posted by Xenmas View Post
This isn't a game of spot the grammatical errors, now is it?
If so, then I'm sure I could find/have spotted a few in all of your posts.

In all seriousness - no, this is not a grammar contest, I just found it ironic, that in your judgement of koooky's grammar, you forgot to apply your own sense of grammar to your posts. I'm simply playing the devil's advocate here and playing things from kooky's point of view - an eye for an eye, if you will.

Grammar constitutes more than simply capatalizing letters and putting periods at the end of setences, despite what the majority of internet users have to say on that matter. (I like to call that sort of grammar "hybrid english", and it is quite widespread. For your info this part was just a small rant on how the internet generally thinks about grammar (esp. the smug ones) - this may or may not apply to you. )
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Aug 21, 2009 at 03:18 PM.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'

See? I can be an asshole too.
But in all seriousness, those 'errors' you pointed out in my last post aren't actually errors. They are just how people at my end of the world write things. It's just a matter of preference, so don't try getting technical with me.
Also, there's no need to insert random comma's willy nilly. Just use comma's when you want to express a pause or to separate or list things.
Last edited by Jim; Aug 21, 2009 at 03:39 PM.
Originally Posted by Xenmas View Post

See? I can be an asshole too.
But in all seriousness, those 'errors' you pointed out in my last post aren't actually errors. They are just how people at my end of the world write things. It's just a matter of preference, so don't try getting technical with me.
Also, there's no need to insert random comma's willy nilly. Just use comma's when you want to express a pause or to separate or list things.

I was being ironic ;p

While I agree "see" is grammatically correct in that sentence, it makes little sense as opposed to "spot" or "find" since the verb "to see" generally refers to sight and not the analyzing of sight (which the judgement of grammar requires". The other two mistakes I mentioned in that post are not preference - the comma is necessary to seperate the two sentence-parts (idk how you call them in English) , and the "then" is required because of the if clause. But alright, let's stop this foolish contest, we're becoming smug bastards by (espically me ) the second. How about this - my mutual surrender, and you can berate me for having crappy grammar and/or, you can make fun of my manhood.

Gratz btw, you've made only 3 mistakes in your last post, I think I've made more ;p

No need to take this personally, I was merely pointing out the irony in your first post.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'