Bump. New spar with Chazer.
Still a bit weird, though I am getting better.
Attached Files
Spar with Chazer.rpl (437.5 KB, 13 views)
wow that
Hey nearly yes it was weird, the movement was ok sometimes not enough flow (by me)
you doing a good job but you were not aggresive enough and land some good hits.
I enjoyed that one. hope we spar again.

6/10 keep going
I am getting a lot better at sparring...
I did screw up in the middle though.
New! I am getting much better at spins and such.
If someone were to CnC, then I would like them to CnC on that
and that alone. I wasn't really aggressive at all in that spar.

Also, I feel that I have peaked at around this level.
Attached Files
spar with ibdf.rpl (813.0 KB, 8 views)
Second spar with Lexxar.rpl (416.5 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Nearly; Jun 9, 2012 at 12:02 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
wow that
Spar with lexxar - More like "lexxar bitch slapping me"
Spar with ibd1jr - this is me "Oh that's actually a good star-- OH MY GOD NO! OH GOD! OoooHH FUCKING FUCK! MY EYES!! THAT BALANCE SUCKS!!!one!11! OMG OMG. FUCK THIS SHIT! MY EYES MY-- Oh it's over... that's relief... ... and I thought I've seen every horror this world has."
Last edited by Gotkicks2; Jun 9, 2012 at 04:49 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
I dont like how you never actually finish the fights.. Anyway i think you use the "hold" too much and you need to be smoother and have more flow.
Originally Posted by kingBen View Post
I dont like how you never actually finish the fights.. Anyway i think you use the "hold" too much and you need to be smoother and have more flow.

Okay. Is there any actual CnC that you would like to put out there?
"don't hold to much" doesn't really help me.
wow that
They were pretty good 7/10 overall, you're realism.. Try to keep on your feet.. Spar with ibdf.. I was kinda dissapointed that I didn't see you guys use the environment. Btw. Wanna spar sometime.. I have nothing else to do
Originally Posted by KittiKat View Post
They were pretty good 7/10 overall, you're realism.. Try to keep on your feet.. Spar with ibdf.. I was kinda dissapointed that I didn't see you guys use the environment. Btw. Wanna spar sometime.. I have nothing else to do

I do agree with you on spar with ibdf
that was one of my bad ones.
first time playing on that mod as well.
I'm free whenever.
wow that
Your attacks were awkward. you fight like a pussy. the way you get dazed sucked. you act dazed like a pussy. The way you stood back up sucked. you stand up like a fucking boner from a tight underwear. asdfgf. I already gave you CnC in RSO who am I kidding >.>
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO