Nick- Zockinator
Belt- 3rd Dan Black Belt
Why do you like Runkido?- It's really fun to figure out how you wanna hit ur opponent without losing a bodypart.
Why would you prefer Runkido than other mods? Because i like how it needds skill to dismember your opponents bodyparts and blocking his punches at the same time, while blocking is very risky.
Alts- None
What can you offer to [ERP]?- Activity and that i practise runkido everyday.
What is your least favorite part about Runkido? The jump/run in the middle of the dojo to meet your opponent
Forum activity rating (1-10)- 9
Ingame actvity rating (1-10)- 6
2+ replays- I'm sorry, but I'm not a great replay saver, i just got one runkido replay, and that was just for fun. The only good thing is how i saved my legs at the end.
Attached Files
FunRun.rpl (76.8 KB, 9 views)
This needs some active people

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dayum patrick, u active bish. sup?

and yes
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

Originally Posted by -MaT- View Post
dayum patrick, u active bish. sup?

and yes

I think I'm fine etc.... Tell me 'bout ya
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