Hey guys,

I know you dont hear from me much anyway, but I am gonna have to go inactive for about a week (i hope). Stupid reality is interfering with my fantasy life, I hate it when that happens. So you'll just have to carry on without me for a few days. I'll let you know when I am back, I will probably be on occasionally but nothing regular.
NOT one of the leaders of Hunters
That which does not kill you makes you stronger.
guys , finally i can be active again
you know the reason why i was inactive

now i have internet at home after two years of no internet can you believe it ?!?
Welcome back.You might want to check out this entire thread to make sure you're familiar with the rules again.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Imma inactive during the week i might be active on weekends only or rarely for school and studying all that stuff so imma be inactive a lot, im gonna try being active! but other than that imma be inactive
Well, yes. I'm sort of back, though I've, for these last 2 weeks, avoided toribash as much as my willpower can manage, for the timing school-wise is sort of abhorrent. Some of the people here I don't yet know, however, so hello, I'm Phantom, the high belt clutz. Let's play some time, I'll be on skype more now so you can contact me there.
I certainly hope not
Leading is something I'm not meant for and I doubt that within the time that I had to do so, you didn't notice it yourself. Though, as this is an activity thread, I'll be active this weekend starting with Friday evening, if not even today, but only a little if so.