Riveting story, I especially like how you orientated the details with the story and brought the reader right in. Good luck, this looks like a clan I could admire.
Originally Posted by serhan4 View Post
can i be a co-op of this clan if i join?
or some kind of rank.
cause i like to have some power =D

You're just a power hungry dude.
Also, you don't ask us to join, we ask you to join.
Yeah, I admit I forgot to type there that we're invite only... Well, that's my fault...

Originally Posted by McBurger View Post
Nice clan Gl
but also Is there a application for people if they want to join

As I said earlier, we're invite only, but I forgot to put it in there... Lol, well, serhan4 shall be lucky that he was the one to remind me about that :o

Also, thank you all, I really hope this clan will be something in the future, too! ;)
good luck with everything your story was nice :3
(>^-^)>(lick it) <.<(wtf?) *-*(uhh)*-*(lick wat?)
mess with the best die like the rest [pandora]
good luck man...and since everybody says the story was nice i got to say it sucks lol jk thoe
Masterbation...a great time killer
The story is in the paper covered with blood that you can only see the s (s is for story). That what you just read is like a sneak peak in to our HQ, so what story are you talking about?
Clan Blood Leader
Originally Posted by Toriboomer View Post
Can I be on the friends list?

BlacklistedNaah, not really, you're in friends list <3