Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Who am i as a person: i am a high school student and i am 16 years old
Who am i as in toribash: i do Parkouring and sparing (tricking sometimes) but mainly parkour i have playd this game for 2 years and i want to get better at beeing a better pk:er and a sparrer
what other skills do i have other then toribash: i really don't know what i am good at my self other then toribash i was never good at Judgin my self as a person
other clans that i have been in: By and Youporn
Why do i want to join the Chiverly: i want to join chiv becouse PAIKOr is there and i have heard that its a good clan at warring i whoud like to be part of it and have a fun time
(p.s i am in you'r skype and i can talk on skype but if thats necesery and i have been in many con con videos ;) )

s the last is optional hope you enjoy it
Attached Files
[S] [weapon] Yoloshow.rpl (1.41 MB, 4 views)
[PK] [Jisse] Yoloshow.rpl (772.7 KB, 4 views)
[S] Yoloshow VS Fanaisin 3.rpl (1.35 MB, 4 views)
[Climb] Yoloshow.rpl (404.1 KB, 4 views)
My return

This is my 2:nd time coming back to Chiverly and why did i leave in the first place i ma bisexual my self and i was being really childish in the clan skype
so i left my self but i realised ppl will hate and deal whit it the ppl in chiverly are some good friends and fun to be a round and its SHIT AS BORING ALONE

so i kinda ish want back

About my self (that i haven't really told)

I am Adiel kagali a 15 year old trying to get trough school ;-; i do have a hobbie called football/soccer but i will call it football i have been playing football for the past 7 years and still keep going And also i do draw a lot when i was younger i think i was at my prime my father teached me how to draw and it was fun but after the huge breakdown we had i am probably not gona be visiting him soon
Toribash expiriance/what ever you want to call

I am 4th dan black belt i do spar and parkour for the most part but i do see intrest in tricking i like to play abd becouse ( My power of retarded magic)
i do contest in wars and i like to try out new shit depends if its a bad or a good shit <---

The other clans i was in
Obey,Frost,PowPow,Chiverly ( and wanting back) ,Osiris? yeah? ,and i think Baguet but that lasted for a day so? counts? still counting it in dou

About me being bisexual because i have to say something about this!

few months back i was straight and had a girlfriend a name that i wont be giving out we where together for 4 months but when we broke up shit went down hill whit wheels and i mean it for real i got death threats from her
she was continuously cock blocking me from seeing other women and just being pain in the fucking ass then there was one of my friends at the time that name i am not gonna say hi fucking helped me through out this hole shit and turnt out to like me (at this point i never had a thought about being bi/gay but i wanted to give it a shot and hey i liked him so meh)
and holy shit did i make the best decision EVER but after i told my ex i was gay she hasn't said anything after so i think i am saved but main reasons i am bi/gay: we never fight , don't need to wake up every morning to (try to fix our relationship) , his really really submissive and for ones his not completely insane so this is good

And i think that does for my app i hope to get back and have some fun agen

p.s i think i don't need to send any pk replays becous you have seen my shitty skills and yeah btw mafia try to train on dem bruce lee shit
they aint working
Last edited by PAiKOr; May 12, 2017 at 09:08 PM. Reason: edited this shit 57 times ._.
?As? hmm...
Alright there guys. My name is Noah or Nrm8085 most people just call me frosty though. I am 17 years old and am out of Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada. I am still in school so I spent a lot of time on homework but other than that I am a pretty active player. I just started again today last time I played was about 7 months ago and that was just for a week because a friend tried to get me back into the game. I am going to shake off all the rust and get back to where I used to be. I have Discord, Skype, TeamSpeak even a CellPhonne if that's the way you wanna keep in touch with me. I only speak English so if you guys are a different language clan idk if I'm the best member for you to recruit. My favorite mods are Abd, Ninjitsu and Aikido. I have been in many clans like Nitro, Enforce, Karma, Obey But i haven't been in a clan that really stood out they've all had their benefits and such but they weren't a family ya'know?
Who are I as a person?:
Hi, Its Rainlet, My real name is CJ. I'm 14 years old (and pretty mature.) I come from Philippines and I moved to America when i was 2. I love Comedy, Horror or RomCom Movies. I plan when i'm older to find my passion and to find it before college. I play football, basketball, and a little bit of hockey (Not competitive hockey). I have 30 Teeth.

Who am I in Toribash?
I found Toribash when i was 12, from the youtuber ZeRoyalViking. When i first started playing, I went to ABD or Lenshu Servers and tried winning (but lost most of my games). I later met a person named SumSoul, and he thought me some things I still use today. I like Toribash cause of how custom you could make your tori be, and how some people talk to much and lose to me . I dislike the people who, don't realize how fun tori is and just have bad manners to others. (anddddd... snapkickers). I have never been banned or infracted in my history of Toribash.

What other skills do i have?
I play League better then an average person. I try to do art but it never works out. I can fidget spinner my way into a girls heart better than any other man.

More Info:
As time knows my Pee names are: Peelet Rainlet Droplet Tinlet And Steve.

List of clans:
Ve - I didn't like how one of the leaders were talking to me. he was very discourteous
TB - Leader told me to migrate to VE
AB - They were inactive and later died.
Rain - They died and didn't do wars.
AOG - Died and i got bored.

Why do you want to join Chivalry? and what can you help us with?
I've been clanless for 8 weeks since i came back after quitting toribash 2 months ago. I quickly tried finding a clan to join and i stumbled upon this clan.
I joined a server with Mafia <3 and TimeWorker <3 and they tested me very nicely, This is when i knew i wanted to be in this clan because of how great you treat people.

sorry about the lack of replays if they aren't good enough i'll collect more.
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2.rpl (91.2 KB, 6 views)
3.rpl (368.5 KB, 3 views)
Potato Salad
PM for reason
Last edited by Mafi; Jun 7, 2017 at 01:59 PM.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
About Me
My name is Noah, I live in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada. I am 17 years old and attend Nutana Collegiate. My spare time consists of going to the lake and exploring on quads or hanging out with my buddy's. I play baseball and soccer so during spring and winter i'll be playing one of those two sports. I am an outgoing person I am definitely not afraid to say what's on my mind and I have a rule against lying to people.

About my gaming career
I have been playing video games for many years. The first time I've picked up a controller was when I was 5 and my brother got the PlayStation 2 for his birthday. I remember playing tony hawk with him all the time and throughout that time my fascination for games has expanded bigger and bigger. I joined the toribash community at the peak in 2013-2014 spent a lot of time and dedication to get my belt to where it is today. I am a 10th dan black belt and continuing to improve. I am shaking off all my rust because of the break I took from 2015-2016 and then when I came back I came back for about a month and took another break to play Cs-Go with friends. I have Discord, Skype and TeamSpeak which I hope is all I need to be in this clan.

Clan Experience
I have been in many clans and I have owned many clans. I started off an average player learning the movements and controls of toribash until this guy from a clan called Ocean picked me up and offered to train me so that I could be an active member in their clan wars. He trained me well because soon enough I was taking on our clan and becoming one of the trainers myself. Soon after that I had a guy from the old Nitro come up to me and offer to have me in his clan. I accepted and me and him started to co own the clan together. My break hit and when I came back a member from Enforce picked me up and I trained with them for a while until I realized that they really didn't know English that well so I got annoyed and left. I met some friends and we started a clan ourselves called Toxin and took on lower level clans like lucky. But like I said I was only back for around a month so I quit again and just came back.

Why should you accept me?
Tbh seeing how many times I have quit and came back and left clans and joined clans you're probably thinking what's the point in adding you to our clan and I would be asking the same question to you if this was your post But I am a very hard worker one thing that gets on my nerves is when I am not good at a video game so I spent all my time training until I am that good. I am a loyal and honest person I am not afraid to tell a girl yes you are fat if she asks me. But I am very good at deflecting as well. Since I am a optimist I will always have a happy persona showing my happy side cracking jokes and having fun but as every human does I go through my rough times where I just feel like watching movies y'know? so some times when I just get off its just best to let me work through my issues. And I will work hard to help you guys out as best as I can.

Why I want to join Chiv
Well I had talked to one of your members TimeWorker he was a good guy and he offered to help me get rid of my rust and train. He had invited me to the discord and made you guys seem like a chill clan. Although I have not seen many of you guys on i would like to meet you guys and form a friendship with some people.

More about me
I like Pancakes and I have 0 clue how to share a replay but you can feel free to test me to see if I am worthy.

Attached Files
yes.rpl (43.5 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by nrm8085; Jun 8, 2017 at 12:12 AM.
Last edited by Mafi; Jun 8, 2017 at 11:30 PM.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.