Originally Posted by Velair View Post
then yea 10/10 because to draw and then sig it is truely a gift my good sir

Why thank you!, i will be drawing the pictures for my signatures when i get my bamboo tab, also the detail of the signatures will go up too.
Finally back on toribash!
woah, it's looking very nice, did you really made it? also how it will look as an avatar i wanna see it's highest size
Originally Posted by geerd View Post
woah, it's looking very nice, did you really made it? also how it will look as an avatar i wanna see it's highest size

yes i made all of these, i do not quite know what you mean by "as a avatar".if you mean the picture it is at the highest size there, it is smaller when displayed as a profile picture. (the pyro signature doesn't have a picture with it but any request work has a profile picture included)
Finally back on toribash!
Originally Posted by MatrixGuy View Post
Can we see the origganal pictures?

here is the original pyro, i no longer have the yeti one but its somewhere on google

Finally back on toribash!
i would like to know wut the effects are because they are really nice and if there a brush can you link it cuz man im jizzing to the 24/7
damn im gettin old
Neither of them are what I'd consider good. They're passable at best.

You fail to achieve any sort of blending, any sort of coherent flow, any depth(the 1st one has depth itself, you didn't create it, nor did you utilize it well.

Since they're your first signatures, this is absolutely wonderful. I'd wager that you aren't very experienced with whatever graphics editor, but, that will change with time. I look forward to seeing more work from you.

Take a look at some tutorials, I believe I have an intermediate-level one that you may be able to follow somewhere here, but any will do, so long as they explain the concepts of depth/blending/etc.

Overall, being your first sig, I give it a 7/10.

I look forward to your next one, and hope my comments helped.