my dream car:

Lamborghini Aventador

but in real life I'd like buy this car:

Toyota Supra

2010simoDK, the legend is back
Italians do it better
hey guys, what do you with about the new bmw i8?
it will be launched in the market from 2013, it's the car of the future and it's totally ecological

bmw i8

2010simoDK, the legend is back
Italians do it better
Id probably say the new BMW 135, great for getting a head start with a 300Hp engine and epic transmission. It is also affordible ^,^ btw I did not pick this car just because of its looks.

For now I will be riding something that tops all you guys >:I
Originally Posted by Hyde
pffshh, those 2 foo's are jelly of my cars. I just got a brand new nissan versa, cause my deville's head gasket went boom boom and it could not be replaced without running me more than the car itself cost.

liiiiiiiiies. A head gasket replacement is actually cheap as hell versus the cost of a new car.

Also, my current car:

except I got 5% window tint (perfectally illegal)
Aftermarket intake
straight pipes
different rims
sound system that's loud as hell.
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