Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Edsonmilan View Post
Stupinator how the hell you make flames?

I made a video tutorial, let me see if I can't find it.

BTW, tutorial is only for C4D.

Last edited by Stupinator; Jun 12, 2010 at 12:28 PM.
Former Item Forger
I made this with a lot of tutorials.

Originally Posted by Stupinator View Post
I made a video tutorial, let me see if I can't find it.

BTW, tutorial is only for C4D.


Stupinator this is crap because My demo of C4D has expired thanks anyways also Can I install the demo again or not?
Last edited by Edsonmilan; Jun 13, 2010 at 12:57 AM.
you might be able to, not sure.

if you're not worried about the legalities, you could "buy" it.

as for blood, either get realflow, or use metaballs (tons of tutorials are out there for metaballs.)

made this using metaballs in C4D a while back;
Last edited by Stupinator; Jun 13, 2010 at 04:50 AM.
Former Item Forger
... ok, since you can't use google for some reason, here's the general idea;

1. create a particle emitter, that emits high-poly editable spheres (press C after making a normal sphere)
2. put the emitter in a metaball object (might be put the sphere in the metaball and the metaball as what's being emitted, can't remember)
Former Item Forger
The Demo of Realflow made my Pc shit bricks.

Will try it, I suppose.
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