Earlier this year, I got into a fight with a kid during detention (har, the irony) because he kept kicking me under the table and even though I told the teacher, she just replied, "Deal with it". He kept it up and I promptly ended up telling him to fuck off, at which point the dude went into RAEGMODE, and he leaned across the table and tried to punch me- I pulled back and stood up, and he reached back, grabbed his chair (one of those light, plastic ones) and threw it at me. While the teacher obviously saw, she didn't do anything or even say anything until I rammed the table into him, knocking him on the floor, at which point the teacher broke us up. He ended up with a week of suspension for "use of a potentially deadly weapon", and I got two days for a "viscous attack on a fellow student". I asked the teacher and principal both why I was getting in trouble when he not only started it, but also because the teacher had failed to do anything after I complained about his behavior, or why she didn't do anything after he threw a damn chair at me. The bigger question is, why wasn't this kid on anti-psychosis drugs or at least Ritalin, for God's sake? He obviously has some issues going on if "fuck off" justifies hurling a chair in his mind.

I was seriously disgusted, not only by the teacher's lazy reaction before the fight and her reaction during the fight, but by the fact that the school board would let a kid like that be in normal classes. He had quite a record- I heard the guidance counselor saying, "This is the fourth time for this school year! Don't you have any self-control? Most kids don't get into four fights over their whole 12 years in school!" He obviously can't control himself, so I don't fully blame him for this- I believe the school board is more at fault. They have lax policies on restrictions and extreme punishments that they hand out like candy, even if the student doesn't deserve it. The only security we have at my whole school is a single police officer, with no metal detectors or anything around the perimeter- every student could show up with a handgun concealed up their ass and none of the teachers would notice.

tl;dr - Schools do virtually nothing to prevent fights, and they give out harsh punishments to the participants. Even if you don't fight back, you might still be suspended because another child chooses to hit you without reason! The story that they're just "trying to follow policy" is cock and bull; they're just lazy and try to balance out their lack of preemptive restrictions with harsh punishments that make it seem like they're actually doing something.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
But that's the thing ToXiKz, I've taken more a hit than anyone I know. The thing is, now that I take it and don't give it back I'm a hardened individual. I can take the punch again and again and again. So far as I know if I do absolutely need to give it back I can. Because of it they can't hurt me as much any more, this gives me the chance to walk away and laugh at them.

Fighting for entertainment such as wrestling, boxing and martial arts is understandable. Fighting over nothing or an unreasonable comment, no need for it. Don't feed it and it will stop.

Take terrorists for example. They destroy things for fun. (and Allah) but if America doesn't send masses of military forces towards them then they would get bored. They'd stick to bus bombings and petty explosions and won't go for larger targets.

Same concept with a bully. You don't provoke him/her then s/he'll get bored and move on.

(Terrorists is probably a bad example, change it to Napoleon. People got bored fighting his 'puny' ass.)
"We are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy
Originally Posted by Manxie View Post
But that's the thing ToXiKz, I've taken more a hit than anyone I know. The thing is, now that I take it and don't give it back I'm a hardened individual. I can take the punch again and again and again. So far as I know if I do absolutely need to give it back I can. Because of it they can't hurt me as much any more, this gives me the chance to walk away and laugh at them.

Fighting for entertainment such as wrestling, boxing and martial arts is understandable. Fighting over nothing or an unreasonable comment, no need for it. Don't feed it and it will stop.

Take terrorists for example. They destroy things for fun. (and Allah) but if America doesn't send masses of military forces towards them then they would get bored. They'd stick to bus bombings and petty explosions and won't go for larger targets.

Same concept with a bully. You don't provoke him/her then s/he'll get bored and move on.

(Terrorists is probably a bad example, change it to Napoleon. People got bored fighting his 'puny' ass.)

The thing is, getting beat badly and not fighting back simply shows signs of the way the chemicals(not enough lithium makes you suicidal, and so forth) in your brain lean towards in your brain, the instability that leans the ego(google freud's id/ego/superego) way, trying to make everyone happy and not generally caring about yourself. That isn't correct. Having a leaning towards ID makes you criminal, which means that your brain tells you to do the wrong thing, which is generally a form of schizophrenia/some severe forms of paranoia. A leaning towards superego turns you into rorschach. No explanation needed on the last one.

Those 3 are the main chemical instabilities in your brain besides bipolar disorder.
I hate this to. my school has almost 0 tolerance for ANY defiance. When my friend is late, he gets OCS, off campus suspension, FOR BEING LATE!? SERIOUSLY? I know if i got stabbed in the eye, i would just be like "oh HELL naw." and go ape shit. I don't give a fuck at that point. At some point the school has to realise this and get passed the stupid rules and stuff. I dont' understand why your son got in trouble, and he didn't. What a load.
Alright, I'm sitting in a chair, and guy beside me, we are playing around, stealing each others papers, Suddenly he goes "AWWW FUCK RAGE RAGE RAGE" Almost breaks my arm, I smash his head in the table, then chunk him to the ground, I defended myself, Now I'm here, at home, being sent to the loony bin, WTF. I hate this school bullshit. It's all lies.
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[13:47:19] <MMDES222> How to add a brother to the game to make it (mc)
[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

Kristis133 is better than me
This makes me remember my elementary school... I literally walked up to the principal and asked
"If I were being attacked by someone and had several broken bones, could i defend myself?" his answer
Last edited by Ethanisgod; May 7, 2010 at 02:35 AM.
Co-Leader of [Jungle](Goddamnit we died)
Originally Posted by ToXiKz View Post
Well, I have noticed that they have been getting much, much more harsh on kids. Today, My adopted son was attacked at the bus stop by a quite large student and was stabbed like 2-3cm below the eye by the guys pen. In self defense, he did what he had to do and ended up breaking the large kids femur.

So, I was called in and was told as to what happened, the bus driver witnessed the whole thing btw. The principal expected me to agree with his decision and scold Aaron(my adopted kid), I disagreed with him and explained him that "if you get stabbed and blood is pouring out your face, you would too", in which he quickly agreed to. He stated that he would, and he himself would do much of a better job hurting them on account that it was so close to his eye, but said "Defending ones self has its own consequences".

I knew who he was, seeing as I went to this high school not so long ago(round 3 years), and he clearly had some manor of distaste for me.
When I went in and was discussing this between the large child's family and me and my wife, we both agreed to have mutual respect and find some alternative to suspension, no matter my great opposition for suspending Aaron anyway because he had really done nothing wrong.

I used some counter examples to say why defending his self was right and he should not be punished for protecting himself.

My counterexamples were: 9/11, The terrorists 'attacked' us(used '' for conspiracy believers) and we hit back twice as hard and pretty much have destroyed a country and a half in the process, we have yet to be penalized for protecting ourselves.

Their response to this was; sir, we aren't discussing countries here. We understand it is conceptually the same, but, this is our policy.

I declared them anti-american after they stated that, saying that they were calling our counter attack on terrorism wrong.

When I did this, the principal got really pissed and started saying that the school policy is such and it must be enforced, whether it is moral or not.

My 2nd example: Way back to world war 2, The jews who did not defend themselves or run away got crushed. If you expect people not to defend themselves, they will get crushed.

They said that the jews who were left got a country of their own, my response was that if it had continued, there would be none of them left, and continued to make my point about self defense being 'legal' in a school.

My son got suspended for 3 weeks and has a school court hearing to discuss this matter.

I am going to leave an appointment with the superintendent to see if he can pull some strings or something to change the policy/at least help in some way.

I think that schools now are going way overboard with their decisions and I refuse to believe that today's children are bad, or worse then us, yet they are getting countless days/weeks removed from their life/education because of the blasphemy that they are submitted to each day.

What are your opinions on children being suspended for large amounts of time for very little to no reason?

That is all a load man... total BS totalitarian crap.

How much of the heat is the bully getting anyways, or is he getting off scott clean?

Schools are no longer educational but political. it's not about teaching children useful skills and the ability to survive, but teaching them how to STAY IN LINE AND FOLLOW THE RULES.

The empasis on education is not for the prosperity of the individual but hte continuation of hte progress of machines and technology.

If we let people think with their bodies, protect themselves, think for themselves, we would run the risk of losing a LOT of slave labor to sustain our needless technological advancements.

On an unrelated note, my very good friend's brother Ahron is adopted... just seemed like an interesting coincedence.

But i sincrely doubt you live anywhere near Salem :3
He's not "Suicide Do" if he's not banned!
Originally Posted by Manxie View Post

Take terrorists for example. They destroy things for fun. (and Allah) but if America doesn't send masses of military forces towards them then they would get bored. They'd stick to bus bombings and petty explosions and won't go for larger targets.

Same concept with a bully. You don't provoke him/her then s/he'll get bored and move on.

(Terrorists is probably a bad example, change it to Napoleon. People got bored fighting his 'puny' ass.)

Yeah, clearly doing nothing about terrorists with help. The extremists will just get "bored" about their religion.

Ontopic, I got in a fight only once in like, grade 4. short version, grade 5 kid did something he should not have, I pushed him, he called me a N!gger and Kicked me so I scratched him in the face.

Here's the kicker(no pun intended), I had some complications during childbirth which I don't feel like explaining. basicly, my stomach did not fully develop so they had to improvise to keep me alive, because of this I have no belly button. As a side effect, anything that hit's my midsection will do 5X as much damage as normal, that's bad for me. I got suspended for giving the kid a mark and he got away scot free as I believe. My parents were not too happy. At this point it goes offtopic, but I think this should be more oriented at school with stupid "policies".

Lol, my brother also got suspended for a "fight" once. He and a friend of a different colour were both in the bathroom. some other guy came in a pushed my brother into his friend who was taking a piss. The principal got wind of this and suspended my brother and called that offense, "racist".

Principals, are usually morons.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Wow poor you guys. If I get punched at school and he actually has intent to hurt, fuck it I'm dropping that boy right there. Yes school's don't seem to know the meaning of self defense anymore. They expect if someone hurls a plastic chair at your head just to walk away.
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