Think about it this way:
Sure, vaccinations are good but really do we need vaccinations to protect us from a simple cold or flu? No compulsory vaccines would be of no use and it would probably get a lot of people annoyed.
ex: me I take vaccines when it's something big but who cares about the small stuff? I'd have 2000 holes in my arm.
Compulsory vaccines only being for important viruses would still be compulsory vaccines, which vaccines are compulsory and which aren't isn't really relevant. You don't have to argue that all of them should be compulsory.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Rune View Post
Think about it this way:
Sure, vaccinations are good but really do we need vaccinations to protect us from a simple cold or flu? No compulsory vaccines would be of no use and it would probably get a lot of people annoyed.
ex: me I take vaccines when it's something big but who cares about the small stuff? I'd have 2000 holes in my arm.

K, this is the statement that pushed me over the edge of just passively watching people make an issue about healthcare become one about freedom. Let's get this straight: all evidence points towards vaccines being effective at preventing diseases.

One, while you might think you won't get sick because you don't need a vaccine, you're being ignorant because now you're relying on the protection of herd immunity that everyone else who sucked it up and let themselves get vaccinated are providing you. Vaccines are not only an individual healthcare decision, there are members of society who do not have immune systems strong enough to accept vaccines, so these people rely on the rest of society not being numbnuts and getting vaccinated so they can be protected by herd immunity. Depending on the disease, herd immunity might not kick in until over 90% of the population is vaccinated.

Two, if you think not getting polio is a violation of your freedom, then I should just break both your legs right now to save us the trouble. When somebody starts arguing that they're free to contract contagious, sometimes lethal, diseases because freedom, they're being ridiculous.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
You went too far in to the idea, I'm just saying for colds I don't take vaccines.
I for one have taken the recent shots, herd immunity will not keep you safe from animal transmitted diseases. I'm not going in to freedom but compulsatory for the small stuff is too much to ask. The places would be over crowded for vaccinations. These are opinions don't take it out on me I think compulsatory will only work on more serious stuff I WILL take the vaccinations and I have, I scared of sicknesses and I don't want to attract them much less get my family in danger.
Originally Posted by Rune View Post
You went too far in to the idea, I'm just saying for colds I don't take vaccines.
I for one have taken the recent shots, herd immunity will not keep you safe from animal transmitted diseases. I'm not going in to freedom but compulsatory for the small stuff is too much to ask. The places would be over crowded for vaccinations. These are opinions don't take it out on me I think compulsatory will only work on more serious stuff I WILL take the vaccinations and I have, I scared of sicknesses and I don't want to attract them much less get my family in danger.

First off, you don't get vaccines for the cold. Second off, there are vaccines for diseases transmitted by animals, and having fewer people able to get that disease lowers your chance of catching the disease yourself if you were to not have the vaccine (concept of herd immunity).

I do feel that vaccinations should be compulsory. If I were to have a child who could not get a vaccine because of an allergy, or other reason, and had him catch a deadly disease from a child whose parents refused to give their child a vaccine, even though they were perfectly able to, I would be furious.

Would I vaccinate my children? Hell yeah.

Do vaccines cause autism? no

There's a bit of language in here, if anyone cares, but this sums up the point pretty well.


Originally Posted by Rune View Post
Think about it this way:
Sure, vaccinations are good but really do we need vaccinations to protect us from a simple cold or flu? No compulsory vaccines would be of no use and it would probably get a lot of people annoyed.
ex: me I take vaccines when it's something big but who cares about the small stuff? I'd have 2000 holes in my arm.

"Each year in the United States, more than 200,000 people are hospitalized due to complications of the flu. An estimated 36,000 people die each year of influenza-related complications." -NY Times
Last edited by NotShadow; Apr 17, 2015 at 01:07 AM.
Ah I meant "a cold" not "the cold".
I meant minor flu's, I will always feel obliged to get my child the vaccine, that's not my point I feel the exact same way you do about this subject the only difference is that I find no need for a compulsatory vaccine for a simple cold, flu okay, but not a cold. I hope I've made myself clear, while re reading my 2 other posts I've realized that half the stuff I say are not my true opinions.
Originally Posted by Rune View Post
Ah I meant "a cold" not "the cold".
I meant minor flu's, I will always feel obliged to get my child the vaccine, that's not my point I feel the exact same way you do about this subject the only difference is that I find no need for a compulsatory vaccine for a simple cold, flu okay, but not a cold. I hope I've made myself clear, while re reading my 2 other posts I've realized that half the stuff I say are not my true opinions.

Can you tell me the difference between "A" cold and "the" cold?
And you know why you get slightly sick? Likely, it's because you caught a virus. And you know what can prevent that virus from multiplying to the point where it makes you get slightly sick?

You probably know where I'm going with this, but I'm going to indulge in being a dick right now and revel in in the anticipation.

But guess what?

It's a vaccine.

Because a vaccine is a dead or weakened version of a virus that is injected into your body so your immune system can easily fight it off, making the odds of you getting sick from it minimal to non-existent, while allowing your immune system to create cells that function as something like memory, that will cause your immune system to recognize the virus later on, should you catch it, and save your immune system the trouble of figuring out how to destroy the virus, thus stopping the virus from even becoming a cold or severely shortening how long you have the symptoms of the cold.

Admittedly, the common cold is a bit of tricky virus to vaccinate against, so there is no vaccination for it, but if it had a vaccination, I would damn well hope you'd vaccinate against it. I'd rather not have to be subjected to a couple days of discomfort or misery because you weren't willing to sit for less than a second of actual pain and maybe a couple seconds of discomfort.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games