Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Remember we aren't talking about which mod is better, just whether wushu deserves more recognition and servers. And yeah, I think abd has quite long turn frames as well, and interplay between players just means guesswork (since prediction is hard unless you know the other player ridiculously well and since it is turn based) this is the same for all mods in general so it isn't really a problem but it isn't the determinant of a complex combat mod. And I'm sure there are ways to counter flailing using genuine strats in the same way that there are ways to counter shovels and lifts in abd. Just for clarification I much prefer abd because it is less edgy and since I know effective starters for it, but I recognise that wushu has a high skill ceiling as well.

Something to talk about might be the sort of people who play wushu giving it a bad rep since it is quite rewarding for less experienced players who can get pretty far with a starter and look cool doing it with all the dismembers and stuff.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Just for clarification I much prefer abd because it is less edgy and since I know effective starters for it, but I recognise that wushu has a high skill ceiling as well.

lol, what does that even mean

anyway wushu will not and shouldn't be put into a competitive setting because in a competitive setting (no matter if you put the mod in a box or give it a dojo) will revolve around running, which is an incredibly easy and efficient tactic to use. and if you think about it, doing the things to make it harder to run doesn't exactly make it wushu anymore.

I also don't really like when people call other mods wushu variants, because they really aren't the same thing just because they are no grab and you generally start far apart. for example, you wouldn't call no-grab tk a wushu variant.

so the bottom line is, it doesn't make for an entertaining mod unless both players comeback after the initial fight in the first frames, that's why people often get annoyed and angry when someone runs. this would be the only viable strategy in a competitive setting because why would you logically go after your opponent again and risk losing points when you can easily run? and before someone says, "well you can run in rk-mma or lenshu and they are played in competitive settings" note that it is obviously much harder to do it in these mods than wushu.
By edgy I mean kinda brutal and sudden, in abd sure you can get elbow-locked and slowly lifted out of the dojo with absolutely no way out and inevitable loss, but at least you know you're fucked, in wushu you can launch at them aiming your foot at their torso but if they catch it and counter-attack you can be in pieces by the next turn frame. I know that a lot of mods are like that but I find it stressful to know that a fuckup really fucks you up.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
lol, what does that even mean

anyway wushu will not and shouldn't be put into a competitive setting because in a competitive setting (no matter if you put the mod in a box or give it a dojo) will revolve around running, which is an incredibly easy and efficient tactic to use. and if you think about it, doing the things to make it harder to run doesn't exactly make it wushu anymore.

I also don't really like when people call other mods wushu variants, because they really aren't the same thing just because they are no grab and you generally start far apart. for example, you wouldn't call no-grab tk a wushu variant.

so the bottom line is, it doesn't make for an entertaining mod unless both players comeback after the initial fight in the first frames, that's why people often get annoyed and angry when someone runs. this would be the only viable strategy in a competitive setting because why would you logically go after your opponent again and risk losing points when you can easily run? and before someone says, "well you can run in rk-mma or lenshu and they are played in competitive settings" note that it is obviously much harder to do it in these mods than wushu.

Read my previous posts about wushu competitivness please!
I already see that I wont get any success with this topic. I think most people ignore wushu because it's too hard for them and they don't want to confess it as someone who is considered as a good player in other mods. :P
Ignorance isn't necessarily a bad thing once you have already tried something. I know I'm bad at wushu and that I would enjoy myself more playing abd so ignoring wushu makes sense. Discussions aren't mean to contain too much agreement and people tend to prefer to attack a statement than express entirely their own opinion, this isn't cowardly it's just social dynamics. If you start a thread expressing an obvious bias then people will usually use that bias as an opportunity to contribute without actually forming an opinion from scratch. I'm not saying that these people wouldn't of concluded that Wushu is shit anyway even if your thread description was impartial, but in future impartiality and subtlety could make people post things more in line with your own philosophy. For example if you made a thread titled "Wushu is terrible" and talked about how it shouldn't be so popular I imagine a few people would have said "it's not that bad and it isn't more popular than it should be."

And you shouldn't create discussion threads which only aim to get people to agree with you, create them either to give others something to talk about or to genuinely broaden your understanding of a topic.

Anyway that is enough thread making advice for one day.

On your commutativity point, kicking people for running in bet servers in kinda shitty and bet servers with wushu are probably even more shitty (profit rape and decapprize being taken every game). Tourneys might work but you're not really supposed to have soft rules like that. And Mwah covered the idea of editing the mod by saying that it would no longer be a wushu variant so I would advise you address that point before dismissing his entire post.
Good morning sweet princess
I understand that but 1 single agreeing post wouldnt be so bad. XD
I just wanted to make some people realize that wushu is not that bad mod for such ignorance.
As for what is wushu variant: Everything with 10 grav and and 40-50 frames is wushu variant others not. Why is it shitty to kick people for running? As far as I know in abd betting rooms they cancel bets in case of a clear unfair shovel or such.
Anyways, maybe I shouldn't cry in here and make a wushu event but I'm too poor for that. (I have lost all my tc betting for a random match in pubshu) XD
Wushu was, is, and will be my favourite mod but the community of wushuers pretty much died out, it wasn't that big in the first place anyway. Playing with randoms is suffering as most of them either run or can't comeback properly.

Back in the days you could find wushu servers with odlov, kamiko, sahee, stabz (generally old RA, Alpha, also HUNG rosters) and play some good and fast matches, but that was 2008-2009. Later on we moved to longer matches with mods such as wushu3, brushu and up to 2012-2013 you could still play cool games if you were lucky and knew right people. If I were to count, I guess I could find around 100 replays from my matches with thrandir from brushu with 2000 frames, at the end of which we could move like 5 joints tops due to all those fracs and stuff, fun times.

As for the events/tourneys, people play those to win, good matches happens from time to time, but when it comes to wushu, it is just too easy to cheese your way out, ergo, there is no point hosting those. You could try to introduce some soft rules to prevent running but that creates just more of a mess, people get buttblasted ('that wasn't running, I simply misclicked' etc - just a reminder, soft rules aren't really allowed anyway) and generally we don't want to restrict players' freedom, so it's highly unlikely for the event like that to be hosted by GM team.
I ocassionally host zakshu.tbm tourneys, which is, more or less, wushu with round dojo - it is not the same as you need to control your speed and altitude more, not to get yourself outside of the dojo, but that's the closest thing to wushu I'm brave enough to host without worrying about it turning into a pure running fest.
We tried.

Wushu was tried as a real thing for competition. Despite the problems with it competitively, it was used in the 2013 Clan League. Despite the problems with it, organizations, videos, images, tutorials, etc. were all made in the effort to make wushu competitive. Despite the problems with it, two "Great Wushu Tournaments" with some of the best wushu players in the world were held competing in wushu mods.

It's got plenty of public room and even quick room support. That's more than kind of the people setting the public servers.

-snip- Don't be an asshole. ~ G
Last edited by Gynx; Apr 18, 2015 at 10:12 PM.
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Originally Posted by Uncas23 View Post
I understand your point but I am saying that a wushu player has to beat the mod itself first and than he/she can fight vs the opponent. You have to get used to comebacks and moving all alone while in aikido and tk you just clap and grab your opponent.

Wushu isn't the "hardest mod", it's just one of the most flawed. That's why people from the community tried to conform players into singing a giant kumbaya, with the comebacks and "fairplay". The Wushu Utopia would look something like low gravity sparring, and the loser would be considered generous and respected.

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Be careful guys, make sure your posts continue to resemble a discussion and not a flame war. They don't have to be impartial emotionless essays, they just have to have something other than beef (personal beefs are acceptable to a point but there needs to be relevant content as well).
Good morning sweet princess