Update : Held a Recruiting server for an hour today and found two promising recruits , Hopefully new members :3

Zomifier And Modinali

Both Black Belts , Both show Great potential
Last edited by InfernoXZ2; Nov 25, 2011 at 07:21 AM.
I wish to rank up either one or two ranks because i have been in this clan for a long time played with most of the seniors and some of the newcomers, I also post quite frequesntly when i can i check the forum everyday to see what is happnening. I think i would be nice to rank up cos i dont like seeing my name at the bottom of the list all the time and yeh i like cookies
Anyone seen my cookie im sure i left it here somewhere...?
I wish to rank up at least two ranks because:
i have been here for at least a year if you count the months i have been active and have been checking the forums everyday and playing as much as i can and being respectful too all the clan members.

sorry for a small app :/
Last edited by thehawk; Nov 28, 2011 at 12:44 AM.
friends are cool, but neopets are better.