Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Tk was in before we got Mx3 .

ATTN: We are no logger in need of members, so we are going back to invite only for now. But feel free to post apps, we will keep an eye on you.
<Jaker> fucking yes , the black anal fetish fetus , :-* love ya .. btw i love how your teehts are touching my *PIEP* when you do a blowjob <3
Leader of [l]|ORMO Recruiter|BISH|[WTU]|[ETC]|Replays|[TGS]|
Yea, also if we see anyone ingame we will tell them to post here, we will think about you, recruiting changed to scouting
I apologise for this post.
Tryout for DM

Belt(3rd dan with exceptions): Black Belt i am exceptional
Your name(Optional): Jonathan Tait
Skills(Art, video's etc): I am really good at video editing. I am not so good at art though but I can make the Character do cool poses :P
Mods(What mod are you best in? Have to be decent at aikido and sparring): Judo, Akido, AkidoBD, Wushu
Why you want to be a [Drunken Master]!: I always wanted to be in a clan that was popular and active. I really think I can help this clan and it can help me. I am a very dedicated clan member and team member.
What will you bring to the clan: Video editing, Youtube with 425+ subscribers and a whole lot of determination with a good toribash player.
Ingame activity on scale 1-10: 10
Forum activity on scale 1-10: 7
Belt(3rd dan with exceptions) Blue.
Your name(Optional): Thekingxa,and Jobo knows my real name.
Skills(Art, video's etc): Marketing
Mods(What mod are you best in? Have to be decent at aikido and sparring): Aikido.. im not the best in sparring but... i can try!
Replays(Optional):on a comp that doesnt have TB ill post the replays later
Why you want to be a [Drunken Master]!:Cause...I feel dizzy
What will you bring to the clan:Tc/posts/items etc.
Ingame activity on scale 1-10: 8
Forum activity on scale 1-10:
If you wanna *beep* me, I won't say no!
Girl I gotta go but.....
*read all of the BOLD again*
Yes for thekingxa, he is thekingdx's alt, he is active and he is a decent player, he has 2 3rd dan alts so yea.

Rv, I remain netural for the moment, I will wait for other members to comment on you.
I apologise for this post.
Also...Jobo invited me.posting the replays tomorrow.
If you wanna *beep* me, I won't say no!
Girl I gotta go but.....
*read all of the BOLD again*