Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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matchmaking brainstorming
okay here goes matchmaking system i came up with just because why the fuck not

matchmaking table, which is used to find apropriate matches

id | playerStatus | nick | ELO_player | time
1 | LookingFor | rapist | 1605 | 13:58
2 | LookingFor | child | 1600 | 14:00
3 | Ranking | scrub | 1650 | 13:58
4 | Finished | noob | 1500 | 14:00

"there could just be an option to matchmake and an option to go to server browser. This way, the tourneys can still exist and be ranked. All matchmaking will be executed in official competitive mods that can be chosen as a filter."(c) Bercat

how? by adding new column with mod player selected and adding one more filter for mod selected

anyway table explanation:

playerStatus is a value that dictates the state of player, if he is looking for match or not
can be 3 values:
LookingFor - means player is looking for match
Ranking - means player is playing ranked match
Finished - means player finished his match or his search for match

this thing is called fl0w chart

okay, so whats going on here?

1) player click multiplayer, he is given option to go ranked or not. if he goes unranked he goes to server browser and just plays as usual
2) player select to play ranked, matchmaking is initialized
3) checking if the player have an entry in matchmaking table ( played ranked match before ) if he didn't, new entry created and neutral ELO is set, if entry exist, continue
4) playerStatus in player's matchmaking entry is changed to LookingFor, ELO_player is retrieved from database and added to entry, current timestamp added
5) checking entries in matchmaking table if there are other players LookingFor, if not found, ask to cancel search, change playerStatus to Finished to exclude his entry from search, if not, wait and check again
6) if players are found, compare ELO, by making and interval of ELO_player +/- 10, filter entries in matchmaking table that fit the interval, if not found, return to cycle and add +/-10 more, each time untill opponents are found
7) from players found select the one with oldest timestamp why? the key priority is speed of matchmaking, therefor it's a deciding criteria
8.) set both players playerStatus to Ranking to exclude their entries from search
9) actual gameplay, can be first to 3 session or just one game, after match is resolved, update each players ELO_player and set their playerStatus to Finished
10) start looking for another opponent
Last edited by snake; Aug 6, 2015 at 02:25 AM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by hampa View Post
Then we get complaints of noob farming. If your ELO is 1680 and there is only one other player matchmaking at ELO 1600.

no, this is not noob farming as you are prioritized to match up with an opponent with similar elo in the first place, if there are nobody than you and him, it's better to have any match than no match at all.

if there is only one player you can play with this is another extreme, and for you as a player, it would be rather better to have ANY match up and play instead of waiting another 5-10 minutes to find a perfect match up, and getting none at all, to avoid the situation you described here:

Originally Posted by hampa View Post
Players waited 30 seconds or so, if they never got any match they didn't try matchmaking again.

again, the priority is for player to click match up and FIND an opponent.
this is the top priority for matchmaking to function. if you can't get matched to atleast somebody to play the game, you would not use it ever again,

therefor, it's better to have to play with ANYBODY than NOBODY at all.

if there are more players than just you and him, matchmaking will prioritize to match you up with players of ELO in your range.

EDIT: amazing, thanks for infraction, since when impersonation is not an offence?

and still,

Sir, stop using hampa's account and impersonating him, i'm not going to waste my time on human being like you
Last edited by snake; Aug 6, 2015 at 02:01 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
With the monthly or seasonal rank resets in effect, the matchmaking will not just be a fad. Especially because, it will be the main way of increasing your rank. People will play all day trying to get the top spots to compete in the tournaments at the end of each season before the reset. Then, much like on new years eve, people make new years resolutions. The resolutions the players will make consists of, playing more in an attempt to be at the top next season. The system will run itself, requiring only a reset every so often (but not too often), to keep the players interested and competing for those top positions.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
i think ranked tournaments is a bad idea, too much time wasted on waiting instead of playing
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by snake View Post
i think ranked tournaments is a bad idea, too much time wasted on waiting instead of playing

Tourneys are good for making a mediocre amount of tc. Keeping the tourneys ranked makes them more competitive, which attracts better players. Better players make it harder for people that aren't as skilled make the tc. If tourneys are to exist they are going to need to remain ranked.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
I'm thinking a matchmaking widget that you have on screen that match makes in the background while you play.

It would have the buttons:
[x] Ranked matchmaking
[x] Match Belt
[x] Striking mods
[x] Grappling mods
[x] Kicking mods

You can update your search criteria while you match make, pause would pause automatically if you where to start playing in a tournament for instance.
Originally Posted by hampa View Post
I'm thinking a matchmaking widget that you have on screen that match makes in the background while you play.

It would have the buttons:
[x] Ranked matchmaking
[x] Match Belt
[x] Striking mods
[x] Grappling mods
[x] Kicking mods

You can update your search criteria while you match make, pause would pause automatically if you where to start playing in a tournament for instance.

The best player of Toribash isn't the best player of any one particular mod, but the cumulation of all competetive mods. You'll simply change the discussion instead of fixing the problem by queuing up for which mod you want to Matchmake in.

The way you make the queue a great deal shorter and make ranks more reflective of the overall best player in Toribash is list the small, approved, competetive mods in Toribash and when you get matched against someone of close ELO, you won't know for sure which mod you will play in.

Additionally, matchmaking in Toribash should be played in game series rather than just one game. One round in Toribash almost always lasts less than 5 minutes, so even making it "best of 5" would greatly decrease the luck factor that presents itself in the current ranked system.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
as hax covered cumpetative aspects, surprisingly i agree with all of it,

however the truck is still coming

Originally Posted by hampa View Post
It would have the buttons:
[x] Ranked matchmaking
if not ranked it will require hidden ELO anyway, or bandaid you came up with below v

[x] Match Belt
if thats your bandaid on how to avoid hidden ELO - this will bread another array of problems
on extreme low end players belts change very fast, and the amount of players is not high
on high end players with high belts (10 dan and up) aren't in great amount either and even after that you suggest to split these few numbers by

[x] Striking mods
[x] Grappling mods
[x] Kicking mods
these checkboxes, which will increase the waiting time for anybody who want to play kicking or striking even longer

sir, do i really need to explain in details why fragmentation of players pool is a horrible idea or you can understand that on your own?...


matchmaking in the background while you play.
if this will mean the ready match will wait for you to finish current game session, it will prolong the waiting even more

You can update your search criteria while you match make, pause would pause automatically if you where to start playing in a tournament for instance.
explain this in details, or better make a fl0w chart

it would be much easiler if you will tell what you want to accomplish, as if we are talking about matchmaking the main priority is speed, which achieved by avoiding the fragmentation of the pool.

sir, don't try to add redundant crap which will compromise the efficiency on top just because you want it to be "your own" somehow.

the less is more, better sit down and think how to simplify the steps

and sir, stop using hamps account, it's really annoying, but i lol'd at sudden change to swedish proxy after using it from RU ip when i called it out
Last edited by snake; Aug 13, 2015 at 01:36 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by hampa View Post
I'm thinking a matchmaking widget that you have on screen that match makes in the background while you play.

It would have the buttons:
[x] Ranked matchmaking
[x] Match Belt
[x] Striking mods
[x] Grappling mods
[x] Kicking mods

You can update your search criteria while you match make, pause would pause automatically if you where to start playing in a tournament for instance.

SOUNDS AWESOME! Will you be using ELO as a criteria for the matchmaking? If you didn't find someone with close ELO, range gets bigger etc..
Your messed up world enthrills me
I think people should have to pick x2 of the categories. Etc pick grapling and stricking, ban kicking. Thus you can still specialize in couple of mods. I dont think you should be able to play ALL the competitive mods. It is true that overall the best player probably can play all competitive mods pretty well. But people should still be a able to specialize in a couple of them. I'd rather also see people who specialize in stricking and grapling mods than people who play all mods decently. Variety is the salt of competition. That way people can specialize but still have to be varied in their mods. Every mod has its unique style and I think best of 5 in 6-7 possible mods is enough. 10 mods to learn properly seems a bit too much for me.

For example in LoL, all the best players can play each role to a certain extent. But to make the best ADC play as Jungle sometimes just because "everyone should be able to play each role" feels a bit dumb. Having to play every single competitive mod possible favors the the players who are "average" in every mod, because even if player x is the best in the game at 3 mods, the 7 others will make him lose. I kinda don't like that.


Last edited by cowmeat; Aug 13, 2015 at 01:30 PM.