1. Weak hart (50% chance to develop a heart condition during character lifetime (family history of heart conditions + born with heart murmur (it's gone now though)))
2. Sweaty hands (debuff to charisma (wet handshakes, nullified during coronavirus event), and dexterity (slippery when wet))
3. Infamous (start off with lower social standing with everyone (trait gained by leaving a monumentally bad first impression on some people, who told everyone) (i held a leaf in front of my face and said "i am a tree" during high school intro camp, more dumb stuff like it, some real outcast shit))
alright guy
1. weakness in my leg (had an accident while doing sports a few days ago)
2. no beer in my fridge (fuck)
3. ....
Enjoint life
1. Caring (-20 Defense)2. Blind (-100 Dexterity without wearing item <glasses>)
3. Musician (-10 gold every day for "Necessary Equipment" until death or quitting, whichever comes first)
Really emotional - this trait / perk gives the player a boost in speechcraft but lowers charisma.

High metabolism - this trait / perk makes the user have alot of muscle and never get fat even if only eats shitty food (increases endurance and strength, lowers charisma, resistance, and makes me have a hard time finding pants that fit me).

Alergies to polen - Lowers every stat to 10/100 on spring / beggining of summer.
insomnia - not to be confused with the nocturnal attribute, which is considered a buff!
  • -10, -30, and -50 Energy during morning, afternoon, and evening respectively.
  • +50 Energy during night, however this buff can only activate once you have laid down for a long rest and your acting movement speed is 0ft.
  • Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma fall dramatically during the day. Players often have trouble communicating with NPCs and other players.
  • Decision choices are limited, usually with the most logical ones being greyed out.
addictive personality
  • -20 Wisdom on all drug/alcohol addiction checks. On a failed save, you gain the Addicted attribute, (see bottom).
  • +20 Strength, +20 Energy, and +30 Happiness with each drug/alcoholic drink consumed, however once more than 3 of the same drug/alcoholic drink has been consumed you will gain a Addicted attribute, (see bottom).
  • +20 Energy and +40 Happiness in addition to any buffs gained from the Romantic Partner attribute, however you will also gain the Addicted attribute after 3 days have passed with having the former attribute.
  • You are quicker to gain the Addicted attribute. This attribute requires you to consume/experience the corresponding addiction at least once every 6 hours. Failure to do so will result in -10 on all stats every hour that this condition hasn't been met.
  • Every 2 hours you must make a 1d6 roll. A result of 1-2 yields +20 Energy. A result of 3-6 yields -40 Energy.
  • Every 1 hour you must make a 1d4 roll. 1-3 will yield no result. A 4 results in completely giving control of your character to a different player. This player must choose a completely different action to perform in contrast to the one you are currently doing. If a different player is not available, refer to the Random Distraction chart and roll a 1d100.
tsu tsu cuckoo