Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Username: Venoninho0


Most profit you have made with single item:
I don't really remember, but i guess it was with a full 128 joints, got it for a jiyu dreads ( was 60k on market ) and a gangster bandana ( was 26k on market )
and then sold for 110k
Username: Jaxon

Age: 14

Most profit you have made with single item: Not really sure. Pretty sure I bought one dudes entire deactive for around 20k, and sold it for about 50k.

also, side note, I was part of this org when Rhaemond ran it, and also before it was official.
I'm just gamin' man
Username:GabeElite Or Gabe w/e you like!


Most Profit You have made with a single item:I don't really keep track that much but I sold a swag cap for around 20k.
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
Added u both.
This org are currently dying.
Moreover, Colors' just hand over his position to me for a moment.
So i have to take care of everything from now on.
We seem lacks of activity and motivation.
Thus, spit out your suggestion and idea that would make us shine again to me.
Username: BennyKimanoto

Age: 17

Most profit you have made with single item: 100k (got full 512 body texture for 200k and sold it for 300k)
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

Username: XsGamer

Age: 18

Most profit you have made with single item: i bought 2 Boxing Gloves for 17,250 TC just a few days ago .. i sold one for 8k and i am selling the other on market for 18~19k .. Wish me luck ;)
DM if interested in buying/selling TC & Art.