Im a judo lover , my belt is brown and my global rank is 3 and judo rank 1k ,,, i will gladly fight one of your leaders , u can find me at judo tournaments! )))
Dubstep is my power , and killing is my sport
hi i would like to apply for this clan ;)
my ign is ornit i love to play judofrac and aikido i am a 2nd dan. i already know batbuscus but i would also like to know the other leaders and also fight them
Nice tits.
Age: 13
Belt: Black Belt
Global rank: 26960
Best mod: Judo
Reason you want to join:Why this clan I believe there will be peace, I am not fighting, cursing nothing of the genre and I like this clan and the people who are in it =)
Skype(If you have one, please leave it below): leandrodopb --- Im From brazil
Age: 13
Belt: Black
Global Rank: 18k
Best Mod: Probably Judo
Reason: When I win, I want to be representing someone. So I feel Insanity is right.
Skype: Piagued
EX-Mod Squad '18 | I'M BACK, BABY! | #1 Under The Sun
Global rank:44869
Best mod:judo
Reason you want to join: because i want to be in a clan with a good players.
Skype(If you have one, please leave it below): none
America FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!
I really like how Creation never replied on this thread to any of you, and you still makes apps despite your unexperience, number of posts, etc. Shows he doesn't care about making a real clan and doesn't care about you guys :/