Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Fee is 17. Don't know about Fish.

Fee handles market stuff and Fish is a clan mod.

Also, all admins are equal in my eyes.

Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
Also Fish is smarter,Fee closes my threads without explanaition.

Mods don't have to explain stuff on closing threads, that's what I heard.
Last edited by Hero; Oct 2, 2011 at 05:30 PM.

This thread is more pointless than most of the threads I have seen. Also I believe fish is 19. If you have an issue with the way admins handle problems and shit take it up with the specific admin over pms or even the support section of the forums.
Originally Posted by Munchic View Post
Why Fish is 12 ??)))

Maybe because he born on 1997 or 1998, but im not sure.
Last edited by Master5000; Oct 2, 2011 at 05:56 PM.
Oldschool / M5k / Contact KiTFoX
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Originally Posted by Akmal View Post
Mods don't have to explain stuff on closing threads, that's what I heard.

Market mods show the evidence that you're breaking the rules by quoting it.They don't,they just say the thread is bad or put stupid smiley or something,and when you go back and make the same mistake they infract you and shiz thats just stupid.
Originally Posted by Munchic View Post
Why Fish is 12 ??)))

Fake age. It is impossible for him to be 12 and such mature at the same time.
Unless you actually have something constructive to debate about this thread is useless...

Fish is 19
Fee is 17... IQ isn't based on age anyways, so this thread was pointless from the start.
Last edited by Wolfe; Oct 2, 2011 at 05:59 PM.
Fake age. It is impossible for him to be 12 and such mature at the same time.

it is internet, I can pretend to be a 23 or 12 years old and act mature when i want to.
and we really dont know their ages, we cant be 100% sure.
Oldschool / M5k / Contact KiTFoX
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