Originally Posted by Davey View Post
Lol sorry i thought it was just squint. Cant seems to make it on them x]

I cant get anywhere on them either XD. However I've chosen an alternative path. Toribash doesn't have the right engine for what I want to be able to do on Air Treks so I'm working on making a game (OpenGL under SDL) thats going to be based on the show. It will be posted in my signature probably about a year from now as an alpha. That is assuming I figure out how to get this to work. Me and my friend are going to end up having to do a lot of research as we've never programmed a full game before.
Forum Posting Leader of UkeDemon 4th Dan Black Belt
<C0XY> i wrote a artical for the torinews... im proud
<m0om> <O >
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<m0om> <O>