Alright. I'm on mac so I can't download replays unless it's from Skype.
But, I sent the Friend request on Skype. My names Anal Retriever.
Hey Lingary, sorry bout the inactivity. Unfortunately, my tablet is glitching :< I will try to get someone to fix it as soon as possible.
Also I have a suggestion, maybe we could make a clan vid and we each have to post 3 or 2 most badass replays.
Hi guys, this is Flies. I'm a dead fly umm yeah I know it's weird but its acceptable
That would be a good idea, but we need a few more people. Well replay makers anyways, to join Sharp.
But in the future that would be a good idea to get some publicity.
Also, take your time, just stay active after to make up. <3
Well, its a nice clan you guys got here, if you ever need my help, just shoot me up a PM and ill try my best to help you guys
Message to everyone if you are on we are trying to do a clan war we NEED Lingary there so if you can get a hold of him tell him.!?
Sorry about that, but if we were more active I would know ahead of time.
So everyone hurry the fuck up and type! xD
Seriously though. You guys need to start being more active.
If you're not active I will start asking flies, what we should do with you.
So start being active guys.