Endurance Onslaught 6.0
*cough* i dont use much strategy (yes i know that can be bad)

if someone is on a streak, study their opener, they generally use the same one over and over coz they think its working, if u can block/counter the first move ur gonna be leading by a bit.

secondly... i dunno... just hit stuff, or preferable (my style) bend things in abnormal axis... for example, bend their knee backward... sometimes this needs a knock to get it to snap, so hold it straight and knock it backward suddenly and it will sure break.
Going for leg steal works a lot of the time, but beware of zombie arms they hurt! Here are some replays of how dancing makes people look foolish and a quick grab ends lives.
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Jarmund>{#toribash} Dr-Meanster: finish your sentences before pressing enter.
I agree that dancing is an art, and it is very possible with out doing self damagee, but if you are trying to win then why risk it? I know it might be a bit newb-ish, but hey, look at my name

I totally forgot about the twisting bit that suo talked about. Alternating between twisting left and right when holding hands or hand and arm is a great tactic. With my older kick opener, it didn't usually DM an arm, but it did almost enough to split. Then I would twist back and forth, usually resulting in thei lower half twisting off and flying away. If you do twist however, set every possible joint into it. If you are going to twist left, extend left pecs, contract right, rotate chest left, contract right elbow, extend left, and I usually contract right hip and extend left to give me some counterweight. It might also give you a nice free kick in if you contract abs as well.

This one is kind of obvious, but take the time to learn blocks for the most common openers. Learn defence against head hit openers, left and right kicks, leg steals, and sweeps. If a dude is using the same opener over and over, or alternating between left and right with the same opener, why not block it. I have always said that a lage part of judo is social engineering, so to speak. If a good player is a few people down in line, use one opener until it is his turn, then do an opener that works well against the counter for the opener you were using before. This works like a charm (and PID hates it, lol)
Last edited by NewbLuck; Dec 1, 2007 at 05:28 PM.
 ____  _____  __  __  _  _  ___  _  _ 
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lol nice thread. i just go for the most damage in judo i never play defensively. i just try to break them before they break me, that or wrestle them to the floor
I r Batdude.
Originally Posted by isha View Post
lol nice thread. i just go for the most damage in judo i never play defensively. i just try to break them before they break me, that or wrestle them to the floor

Wait what?

You're like the top known person in Toribash with the second most matches played, and you have no hints to offer us?

Isha! I am ashamed!

Think about the small things you do that normally get you a victory... tell us. Like, do you ever contract wrists etc.
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
from IRC:
05:24 <~veb> jarmund: stfu and post already

So, here it goes:

Classic: go for the head as fast as you can, and go for as much damage as possible. Grip with one arm, and hit with the other. If your gripping arms shoulder gets dismembered, that's good, since you then can use it to hammer back and forth.

NFI, i don't play it.

Go for stability the first few turns. Complex unpredictable moves that don't necesarily give you a DQ-oportunity, but instead turns the battle away from his control is a win.

Sumo: Center of mass low, avoid jumping and flying. If oyu can smash off or fracture a limb or two, then you've got a good start.
For judo, learn 1-2 decent splits and 1-2 decent kicks and switch them. Splits against kicks, and kicks against anything but splits. You'll dominate then )
Originally Posted by veb View Post
Wait what?

You're like the top known person in Toribash with the second most matches played, and you have no hints to offer us?

Isha! I am ashamed!

Think about the small things you do that normally get you a victory... tell us. Like, do you ever contract wrists etc.

alright i will try.

i never contract wrists, only hold wrist when i am going to smash my hand into them and try to break something, i only relax wrists when i am dancing, or putting a lot of pressure on my wrist. i relax joints when dancing to make things more fluid. i relax joints when i am trying to grab a specific point or when i need to go slow and not fast. i contract my neck on many of my moves, it sometimes helps to protect from decaps, also it can change a lot between 2 of the same moves. in judo i try to cause as much damage per turn as i think i can without causing myself harm or DQing myself, though i fail at doing so very often. the point of almost all of the moves i use is to cause enough damage to any joint or joints to where they will break or i can break them next turn. that is a favorite of mine, to hurt a joint badly then quickly put all my weight into ripping it off the person, be it arm elbow, or lumbarz

as for jousting i use the same move over and over, the only time i switch is when i am sure i cannot win with my normal move. for those of you who don't like that why would i switch to a different move when the current one is doing great...
I r Batdude.
Umm.. I aim for the weaker joints like the arms. I can never decap. Limp-style is also really useful. Hit them with your fastest moving body part.

Btw, How to stand? Try hitting "C". :P

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
I alternate between either a "I don't care" and an outright "Berserker" style.

The I don't care one tends to continuously use the same opener and not doing unnecessary things. The berserker style combines odd moves with ridiculous speed, basically.

Simple rules for either of my styles though are:
1. Good intuition. (I can predict most matches before the first move, if I try.)
2. Have a good feel for the game.

That's about all I ever use.

Besides the neat little tricks I picked up from enikesha, which are:
A leg spin I picked up from one of CheZ's replays, and a kick from apparently one of MBK's replays.

That's about everything I've ever used.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!