I likes that equilibrium video. Creative :P

But i once again have to post a Rammstein video.....sorry but they are just goldmine for good music videos. They're like little movies :P

Superior Sonne music video:

And a couple videos from my favorite band of all time, starting with what might be their most popular song.

Can't stop - Red hot chili peppers

Vengeance is Mine
In Touch (With Your Feminine Side)
Killed By Love - (all three by) Alice Cooper
(all three in the video)


Yes, it's cobra starship. No I'm not a big fan of them, this music video just makes me lol. Not necessarily my favorite because I can't think of my favorite at the moment, but I still like it.
Originally Posted by chosenone5 View Post lol

Don't necro(Revive old threads) without a valid reason. If I see you doing this again a fitting punishment shall be handed out. Thanks.
Back for good.

"Don't necro(Revive old threads) without a valid reason. If I see you doing this again a fitting punishment shall be handed out. Thanks."

Would you prefer that we start a new thread with the exact same content as one that already exists?
Last edited by Logic; Feb 27, 2011 at 12:07 AM.
Originally Posted by usimm View Post
Don't necro(Revive old threads) without a valid reason. If I see you doing this again a fitting punishment shall be handed out. Thanks.

We can still post in this thread, right? :3