

Here's mine:

Row Row row your boat...

No, I'm kidding. Here's mine:

I have screamed until my veins collapsed
I've waited last, my time's elapsed
Now, All I do is live with so much fate
I've wished for this, I've bitched at that
I've left behind this little fact:
You cannot kill what you did not create
I've gotta say what I've gotta say
And then I swear I'll go away
But I can't promise you'll enjoy the words
I guess I'll save the best for last
My future seems like one big past
You'll live with me 'cause you left me no choice

I push my fingers into my eyes
It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
If the pain goes on,
I'm not gonna make it!
Only Emos /wrists
This public announcement was brought to you by your friends at Degeneration X, who want to remind you that if you aren't down with that, we've got two words for ya! Suck it!