Originally Posted by SunnyEarth View Post
how does this work? after you save this you type /mute all if you have "@"?

Noes, When You Have The "@" You Go To Setup>Scripts (Ingame) And Choose Muteall.lua (That muteall) Then To Unmute All The Same But Choosing Unmuteall.lua
ok, ill add a tutorial in the first post.
Off topic: It's kinda funny that the mute all have more downloads, I imagine people muting all and then he can't unmute them.
Originally Posted by DoubleDagR View Post
Will newly joining players be muted or only everyone already currently in the server?

it mutes all the people that are currently in the room, I have one that mutes too the people that enters.
can i have the one that makes people mute when they enter? i know i could just pute a pass but it would be cool haha

pm me cuz ill forget i said this XD