Originally Posted by Trafalgar View Post
I never understood the difference between Ken and Ryu. Is there a major difference?

Key differences, like
Ken's Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (Hurricane kick)
hits multiple times and Ryu's knocks down your opponent.
Ken's supers also have more uses than Ryu's
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Originally Posted by Trafalgar View Post
I never understood the difference between Ken and Ryu. Is there a major difference?

Yep. Talking about sf3 here, though:

Ryu's ex hurricane kick stops in the air, ken keeps on "flying". Ryu has a halfcircle kick, Ken doesn't. Then they also have some different normal moves. I believe Kens dragonpunch is a little bit faster and harder to punish than Ryus.

Generally Ryu is a little bit easier to use nicely than Ken. He's the optimal beginner choice, which is probably why he's being whored so much. People won't be able to own with chars like Q/12/Hugo without lots of practise. With Ryu, they might.
Street Fighter Org
Street Fighter fans have been dreading this moment for years: a 3D version of the classic 2D fighter! In all honesty, though, this is just another Street Fighter and the only new additions are nearly a dozen characters, a new guard break system, and some blocky 3D polygon graphics.

The gameplay is identical to previous Street Fighter titles with the familiar six button layout (three punches and three kicks of increasing strength and speed) and extremely familiar moves. You'll find dragon punch motions, quarter-circle motions from both front-to-back and back-to-front, and the Guile-style charge moves. The new moves include a guard break that forces one slow moving attack through an opponent's block and stuns them, giving you plenty of time to pull off a super move. You'll also get to work with the super cancel move that lets you string your super moves into a deadly combo!

The voices and music are nice but a bit underwhelming. It's easy for the music to get lost in the rest of the sound present in any Arcade. As for the graphics, the characters have textures and the kind of detail which hasn't been seen before in a Street Fighter game.

When you get down to it, there's not a lot to set this game above or below Street Fighter 2 Turbo or Street Fighter 3, so it's up to you to decide if the 3D graphics make or break it for you. I, personally, really liked the overall experience and enjoyed the crisp, yet blocky, 3D graphics for a change from the 2D style.
I haven't played street fighter 4 however, video game developers are making a few things clear...

1. With great visuals, come worse gameplay
2. 2D to 3D parts lead to a gameplay downgrade
3. If a game is too hard, No profit. Make a piss easy game with visuals for 9 year olds and die hard fans, Profit.

[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?