I think everyone should stop posting in this thread, I may have been the only one with sense to use the report button. He probably wont make it into a clan because he's too immature, and definetly cocky.

Likes to play to win

Try playing for fun.

Will green belt get me into a clan

Most clans require black and up. good luck.
Originally Posted by edjr2012 View Post
Well this my be reasons why Clans will not let you in,

1. You do not have at least the mininum the clan requires to get in.
2. The Clan thinks your skill is not good enough.
3. Or possiably they don't like you.

There are more reasons that you might not get in a clan.

I'll suggest that you rise the ranks, Learn more about the forums, And follow rules.
That might get you in a clan.

And also making threads like these may be a part of the reason why you are not in a clan.

X actly be patient now clans are all about belts even if they say they arnt just wait like 2 weeks then try a clan i dident get in my first clan til i was brown belt
Swexx | Beta | Internet | Erth| Orko | Suck | Water | Numbers |
Clans are not all about belts.

Some of the 'Best' Clans have low-belted members.
NO has some Brown Belts.
I've seen some blue belts in Sigma.

Check the DSC's, they are quite often just getting started and are looking for members.
Forum activity is usually a plus, so get your posts up, without getting infracted for spamming.
Holy Demon
...be afraid

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These kinds of threads belong....nowhere. You must ask a specific clan that you want to join. Asking everyone to accept you for the sake of getting into one simply shows that you couldn't care less about the clan itself and nothing isn't good enough for you.
