Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by trickbob View Post
I disagree with Dargon about the game being Pay to win, no card is better than any other card (ofc some exceptions like the Ooz and the Raptor) it's all about the synergy of your cards and about the luck of the draw.

I can disagree with with gravity, but that doesn't make gravity any less real.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
It's not necessarily pay to win, but it definitely is pay to get the cards you need to win at higher levels.

I made it to rank 10 (around top 200 players or something) with just basic cards, to get to rank 7 I had to buy a bunch of packs and get legendaries/epics.
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Originally Posted by Zoro View Post
It's not necessarily pay to win, but it definitely is pay to get the cards you need to win at higher levels.

I made it to rank 10 (around top 200 players or something) with just basic cards, to get to rank 7 I had to buy a bunch of packs and get legendaries/epics.

That's actually pretty impressive. What class(/es) did you use? :P
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
One of the best decks in Hearthstone for a while that plenty of people used involved nothing rarer than a common card you could forge easily (The priest draw deck). Good cards make it easier but it's all about the player. Basically it's only pay 2 win amongst baddies.

Also Arena involves no pay 2 win whatsoever. Also if someone is going to mention the Arena is "luck of the draw" (ie getting good cards), then don't bother, because there are people who can win enough Arena to be self-sustaining.
Last edited by 2worlds; Dec 24, 2013 at 08:38 AM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
One of the best decks in Hearthstone for a while that plenty of people used involved nothing rarer than a common card you could forge easily (The priest draw deck). Good cards make it easier but it's all about the player. Basically it's only pay 2 win amongst baddies.

And that's why almost all deck utilize such commons like Argent Commander and Defender of Argus? Oh wait, yeah, those aren't commons.

Nor are the three "fit in all decks" legendaries either.

Yes, you can still beat decks which have these cards with a deck that doesn't have them, but they do give you considerable advanatage over someone who doesn't have them, hence pay2win.

But 'tis just how collectible/trading card games are by design.

Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
Also Arena involves no pay 2 win whatsoever. Also if someone is going to mention the Arena is "luck of the draw" (ie getting good cards), then don't bother, because there are people who can win enough Arena to be self-sustaining.

Except that it's pay2play, and you can play with real money.

And even those pros didn't always manage to get even (nowdays they probably can, heck even I can break even more often than not).

And yet again, that's how drafting works. I'd personally love reverse drafting, that'd be where I shine.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.

I just got Hearthstone at long last, it seems pretty fun.
Any tips to dealing with certain hero types? I found that if I let a rogue stay loose it'll just insta kill my huge health cards like it's nothing :L

and I just got these :'D
i pulled a golden ragnoros.
already had a normal version so i traded for dust and got leeroy
Tor1g0d embodied as a noob. Hey, atleast i'm back and nice!
So went in arena, got myself a deathwing. Played 9 games, won 6 lost 3, and deathwing didn't show up in any of them :<

Pretty sad too, since I could've won one of those games if I drew him.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

I play this all the time
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