Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[GM] March Madness! (Cancelled)
This thread is open for questions regarding the event. For anything else, please use the team's social groups or IRC channels.

Now that you've chosen your respective teams it's time to put them your skills to the test and come out on top! Will it be the fancy Green Hats? or the fly Pink Shutter Shades? or even the indestructible Adamantium Headphones? Maybe even the wacky Red Submarines! Now it's time to get to the top!

How will this work?
Throughout March all four teams will be given the opportunity to show off their skills and come out on top! To reach the top of the ladder, teams must win events and tourneys. We will be hosting multiple events which reward team points. These events will test skills of all varieties! Averages will be taken to balance out the competition across the different team sizes. Whichever team is at the top of the ladder at the end of the month will win.

Choose your team

The join button is indicated here

In order to be eligible for a prize you must take part in the events. This includes simply fighting opposing team members ingame.
It is preferred that you use only one account to join a team with. If we see people making new accounts to join other teams with, we may just ban those accounts.

The Events
Competitive Events
Double Trouble! - Holotor (started)

Art Events
Re-Draw - EdiTz (started)
• Praise Your Team! - imapirate (start date TBA)

Replay Events
Cheerleading - Risk (started)

Mod Making Events
• March Modness - ManlyPotato - (start date TBA)

Miscellaneous events
Achievement Unlocked - Kingsta - (started)
• A Battle of Wits - Wight (starting 2014-03-17)

You have until the 31st of March!
Any points gained after 12am (+0 GMT) will not be counted.

The Winners!
Each member will be given their very own respective item!

The best players of each losing team will be given their respective items as praise for their efforts. The number of items awarded will be proportional to each team's score.
Last edited by Fish; Mar 11, 2014 at 03:52 AM.
D: A drawing event?! Nooooo!

And snook, pls. I will chew that hat off of your head.
Last edited by HerobrineDead; Mar 4, 2014 at 11:39 AM. Reason: I wanted to insult snook.
Originally Posted by HerobrineDead View Post
Adphones are gonna win. I can already smell victory. It smells like cookies.

That's just the smell of your headphones' speakers burning out. Darn cheap manufacturers :v
endless around, infinite within. you step.
Those aren't beats though :v. Those are tori-made and backed Toribeats, or Teats for short. Copyright issues and all
endless around, infinite within. you step.
Originally Posted by Sparkyau View Post
needs more in-game tourneys if you ask me

Patience young one.

So much propaganda, I love it! Keep it flowing..
rekd pls, Their better than beats. Their nothing like your cheap quality plastic shades.
Last edited by HerobrineDead; Mar 4, 2014 at 12:11 PM. Reason: Well, can't a guy even edit his post?
Originally Posted by HerobrineDead View Post
rekd pls, Their better than beats. Their nothing like your cheap quality plastic shades.

Rofl, if only these shades were made of mere mortal plastics. These shades have been bequeathed to us from the tori-gods and were fashioned out of pure swagicorn hugs and dragon horn. These sexin' eyewear pieces double as a hella effective disarming wand too in a surprise wizard duel, too.

I intend to use my shades for my wand when I get accepted into Hogwarts.
endless around, infinite within. you step.