Okay kid. I actually do know that. You joined Aperture a day ago. You can't lie to me.
Check this link out. It says that you applied for the clan a day ago and you were accepted an hour later. Don't lie to me anymore.
You've taken everything I have. Now, all I'm asking for is my heart back.
"Your testicles are fucking adorable" -Fusionman
Laby, not the right place to talk.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
1.sponge you aren't in this clan and as far as ive seen an ally and please stop spamming you two, and cozza all zone members are allowed to vote and give their opinion about people applying.
(lotus)'s co-leader|(lotus)|Loki|Nicolas|Rogue
@Whoever it concerns: Cozza is an ally. We take his post as if he was one of our own. He was not in the wrong for what he said.
Name: Jack or Temp0

Belt: im a Brown belt

Bans, infractions, or warnings: 1 because of people saying things that i didnt do to hampa.

Past clans: pyro

Anyone you know in this clan: Koco because i remember you were the back of the pack back then and TMSM kicked you out right?

Why do you want us: Well, you are one of the top clans and i think it whould be cool to join and have some fun in top 10 clan battles.

Why should we want you: well im quite good at getting TC for the clan... either its my art that i make to me betting, or tournaments.

Best and Worst mods: BEST:akido,chineseakido,blender,twin swords. WORST: wushu and falling akido.

One or two paragraphs about yourself: Well, my name is jack and i love toribash! my first priority when i first logged on the toribash was to get into a clan... now look at me with the pros... im rank 9000 somthing in the world...(if thats even good)I always am a good sport and will help the clan out by almost giving then free art! (im ok at it so leave me alone... lol jk im pretty good) i also know the leader Koco from our past clan pyro and want to talk to you anain buddy :P

Your usercard: I need help with my user card

3 replays: i cant... i have a mac...

Here is your usercard so Zone doesnt have to do the work.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.