
you must wait some time while the video gets processed, this link will work when its done.
Last edited by Ezeth; Jul 21, 2009 at 12:35 AM.
No. Just. No...
This doesn't work with symmetrical sets!
The left leg faces the inside while the right faces the outside!
And when you switch them in photoshop, or GIMP, The leg you 'fixed' will now be higher than the other leg.

No it wont, try yourself.

It will be higher if you do it with the biceps because its facing in the opposite direction, but not if you do it on the legs.

This works like a charm.

And profile1to10 when mirroring a tricep, do not flip the boneless and the side, just flip the bottom front back and top.
Thats the mistake you have done.

Last edited by Ezeth; Aug 6, 2009 at 08:04 PM.
Yes but they still won't understand a shit, and now they are flaming me everywhere i go :P Therefore this will probably be my only and last tutorial.
btw if u are mirroring biceps and triceps, u have to mirror it and then cut 1/4 of the wide - 8px, so eg 1/4 from 128 is 32 -8 is 24, so u cut 24 px and move it to the other side ( it works on 128/12

hope it helped
Ryuu was there :o