Original Post
Hair, hats & other accessories
This can be cool
It can be purchase on the market and shop!
This can be awesome and cool!
the cap will be abit flappy and the cap can be custom by textures!
Last edited by Haikel123; Nov 7, 2012 at 10:14 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hmm,maybe it was cool, But toribash with items are suckz. i can't think toribash with items
Just like a Boss
Hats would be interesting, perhaps not as a physical entity but just as an aesthetic that sticks to your head. If they were implemented however, I personally think they should be costly, so everybody and their brother aren't running around with hats.
Also, TF2.
I think hats are good idea but what if you had hair, it would look weird with hair... SOOO

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I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It could work the hat may be buggy but it won't flop around then the hair part will go under the hat and won't glitch like it normally does
Supporting 8/10
Originally Posted by wolf2301 View Post
It could work the hat may be buggy but it won't flop around then the hair part will go under the hat and won't glitch like it normally does
Supporting 8/10

Well that would be cool.. But It would be wrong at the same time because if you had like a Mohawk it would look totally different. Not saying it can't happen but this is my opinon
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Honestly, it could go either way. On the plus side, I have to admit, it would look cool having a tori with a hat on. On the negative side, if it glitches so much, it wouldn't be enjoyable and people would have invested in something they didn't like.
War does not determine who is right, but who is left.
You guys are a bunch of weirdos. Only argument I see is "it would fall off" what if it came back the next round? Personally I like the idea of hats, But almost everyone on toribash has to act like an asshole just to get some attention. Supported.
Chances are, a hat would be a type of 'hair'. You can have hair activated, or you can have a hat. There's no sense in having both on anyway, considering the hat would cover the hair.
Surely if you guys are worried it will fall of you could just have a hat that is fixed to your head... also it might be buggy but every game has its bugs to start off with Supported

Also guyz their are already cat ears in the shops
Cheap ass steam games,