Gold i will tell u this wen ur a noob u have to deal with alot of sh*t and im not realy sure y but u learn to ignore them and if someone flames u take a couple screentshots (f eight) and if the same person keeps doing it report them to an admin
But also, this is what I see: You bitching cause a few people were mean to you, and generalizing the entire community. Not cool.

Bitching = All out flame

What he did was make a civilized and well-thought-out argument which he brought to the community in hopes to get responses that would answer his questions.

Anyway, for people to put you down for using another's move is wrong, unless the creator of the move were to personally say, "I would like it if you could stop using my move." And then give a valid reason for you to do so.

When I started getting in to wushu, I tried making my own moves. It just so happened that I made an opener that was the exact same as the opener of one of odlov's moves. Some people told me to stop, but those were the ones who I were beating with it, and I ignored them. However, when I played with Alpha members, some of odlov's closest friends, they didn't even care at all, and didn't even mention anything.

Don't pay attention to those who complain about you using a generic move or one made by someone else, unless that person who complains is the creator of the move. Usually those who will yell at you for that are the ones who are trying to cover up their own inadequacies by pointing out the "flaws" of another person.
Since when did I become Asian?
I have to say I get pissed if someone copies anyone's moves. It's just gay. Imagine a white belt just suddenly pounding in the commands for a move a 10th dan designed over the course of months, sometimes years. Don't do it if you don't want to get flamed. The thing is, when they do an opener like that and win off it during the first few turns because of how effective it is, it isn't their own skill, and that pisses off people who actually work hard to get where they are in Toribash as far as fighting ability goes.

Yes, beginners copying well-known moves to LEARN is alright. What is generally done when people copy moves is not.

I.E, jousting. I started off using the Focker Kick. Over time, I edited it with tricks I learned from other people and from myself. The result was a rather more effective move that beat even PID666's original and skilled focker. That's LEARNING. Modify the moves, make them your own, don't just copy.
Last edited by Ragdollmaster; Jul 12, 2008 at 11:11 PM.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Copying moves is just like Qi buying: There are people who say that it's justified because Toribash is a free community, others call it "breaking an unwritten rule". I have to admit I don't like the idea of Qi buying, but I go along the lines of using other people's moves to a certain point. Copy whatever moves you want, but don't do it excessively. Remember your "enemy" also wants fun when playing and beating him with the same move too often (especially if you didn't invent it) is annoying. Additionally, using the same moves again and again might prevent you gaining skill.
Originally Posted by BladeNin
Is he a player or a monster?

  1. No, nowhere in the rules does it state you can own a move, or can a clan own a move.
  2. Its not
  3. Flaming in general is against the rules, and can even be a banable offense
  4. Again, there isn't anything saying that clans can have official moves, they can have one if they want, but they can't stop others from using it.
  5. Because some people think that their move is the best, and people that lose to it start using it, person A gets mad, and wants to keep the move to himself.
  6. Nope, i quite enjoy it when i find a skilled new player
  7. Same as above, people that get mad for losing to new players should try to get better, so it doesn't happen


1. Is it right to have a single or a few moves dedicated to a single clan? Not at all. If a clan needs to copyright a move, it tells you something- they can't think of any new ones.

2. Why is it wrong to use moves which someone other has made? It's not, but you could say it's breaking the honor code. Some guy, has worked hard to make that move and using it without their permission is a tough subject.

3. Is it right to flame to people about copying others' moves? No, unless you killed their mother, nobody really should flame you. But, it does kinda label you as a move-stealer.

4. When a person who is in a clan invents a move, does it mean that it's his clan's "official" move? Oh hell no lol. Unless it's cool with me, I wouldn't let my clan use it as "official".

5. Why would a single move be some clan's "official" move? Because some players, just take this game to be SRS BSNS. And it's not. Sure, it's cool and all but an official clan move seems to be obsessive.

6. Is it bad to lose to a low belt? If yes, why?
7. Is it bad for a low belt to streak? If yes, why?

I grouped these together because it's the same answer as 5- people think this game is seriouss business. It's a game, but it doesn't keep them from whining and complaining and pimping their e-cred around.
Well ppl have their signature moves, I understand if you see their move and you instantly copy it and start flaming... But a clan member flaming at you for using his clan mates move... Thats too much. Also there are moves that pretty much everyone uses. I don't copy 100% ppls moves, but I usually see how they do that move and maybe modify it a little or use a part of it in another move.
-Is it right to have a single or a few moves dedicated to a single clan?

-Why is it wrong to use moves which someone other has made? There are a collection of fairly common openers that everyone uses occasionally. There are about 8000 sweepkicks in existence, for example.
But using someone's own individual move is a bit more dodgy ground. It depends whether they mind you doing it or not.

-Is it right to flame *something something something*?

-When a person who is in a clan invents a move, does it mean that it's his clan's "official" move? no. that's a seriously lame idea.

-Why would a single move be some clan's "official" move? i'm still not getting this "official move" idea.. It sounds stupid, petty and generally a bit weird for a clan to adopt someones opener as a "clan move".

-Is it bad to lose to a low belt?
no. I've lost to low belts before, and that's only natural, since you can't predict everything. Also, low belts play in a different way to high belts, generally, so it's really not important. If i lost to a white belt at betabox, i'd be surprised. But a bluebelt at judo ? I wouldn't really care, as i said.

-Is it bad for a low belt to streak?
what ? why would it be. What's with the obsession with belts. They mean a whole lot less than a lot of people seem to believe.


I dislike it when someone, *usually* a low belted player, notches up a streak with the same move again and again, which they didn't make up. If they're playing for fun, and mixing it around a bit, then i'd encourage them to go for it, as it's a nice feeling when you're new to the game notching up a few wins.
Last edited by H4rl3quin; Jul 12, 2008 at 11:49 PM. Reason: typofail. again.
Lol, copyrighted moves...

Here is a real (as best I can remember it) chat between me and Odlov.

Odlov: Check out this new move I made up.
(does move)
Me: Oh that? I used to do that move.
Odlov: Really?
Me: Yeah, lol...

So, what somebody THINKS is their move probably isn't. Its quite possible for all of us to be using the same moves that other used before. Also, its possible for anybody to stumble into a move and think its theirs.

I could give you many more examples of this, but whatever.

All of you please drop your pretentious claims of ownership and get over yourselves. Thanks.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
OK, I'm gonna jump the bandwagon and answer these questions in the nicest possible manner.

Is it right to have a single or a few moves dedicated to a single clan?
- No. No clans have reserved moves, and they do not have the right to claim ownership over them, although some clans may claim ownership of them saying "they invented them". This is where it becomes diffuse though, because you never really know if a move is original or not. A lot of experienced players develop moves identical to other "copyrighted" moves.
Why is it wrong to use moves which someone other has made?
- It's not wrong. It's just the belief of some people that finding a new move makes them the exclusive owners of it. While I encourage discovering new moves for yourself, you can't possibly avoid similarities to other existing openers.
Is it right to flame to people about copying others' moves?
- No. As a matter of fact, it's not right to flame people about anything. Displeasing circumstances and situations should be handled with intelligence and composure, not by exessive and intrusive verbal diarreah.
When a person who is in a clan invents a move, does it mean that it's his clan's "official" move?
- No. Well of course, he could go ahead and "dedicate it" to his clan, and telling them that they now own the move. They may go around and boast about it as much as they like, but in the end it just makes them look stupid.
Why would a single move be some clan's "official" move?
- That I can't answer really. Mostly because the meaninglessness behind the ideology is uncomprehensible for me.
Is it bad to lose to a low belt? If yes, why?
- It's not fun, but I don't know if "bad" would be a good term. Most player tick off losses against "low belts" as bad performances by themselves, newb luck or in rare occasions with the few wise members of the community: they think of their opponent as a talented new basher. Also, keep in mind, in the end; belts don't matter.
Is it bad for a low belt to streak? If yes, why?
- It's great for a low belt to streak. It's a sign of good potential. The uncomfortable individuals you're talking about are just sore losers or they have bad sportsmanship in general.

Welcome to the community by the way. Your post was good, for a first one ;)