The huge amount of incorrect information is over the internet and mass media, the only ones whom I can trust are my Ukrainean toribash mates.
Here comes pictures of "bad russian invaders in Ukraine"

Look! Violence! Blood! War! We have to stop that ono!
Last edited by Tarlan; Mar 4, 2014 at 10:27 PM.
Hosted >3000 events b4 you even was born.
Yes, if you want to ignore the media and just want to look at pictures to learn from them, go ahead. I am sure your Ukrainian Toribash mates are the most credible sources you will find anywhere.

Oh look, a man holding the sun with his own hands.


There are a lot of Russian supporters in the Ukraine, there are people chanting and celebrating because they believe they are getting liberated, so there will obviously be positive pictures all over the place.
That does not mean that moving in so many soldiers is any less hostile.

If you want to say that the soldiers being there, please explain why, else your post is pretty pointless.
One argument I heard is that the Russians are there to protect the citizens from unrests. Considering the Ukrainian government never asked for any assistance makes that point sound pretty dumb to me. Additionally I believe that if they asked for help many nations, Russians as well as Europeans, would gladly move in to provide a balance.
At this point nobody would dare to send in any troops because of the Russian presence, so you can't tell me it's all fun and games as suggested by those pictures.

Another dubious thing about those pictures is that the soldiers are not wearing any sign that would distinguish them to a certain nationality. If Russia was there legitimately they would surely be willing to send in troops with official uniforms, don't you think? ;o
Last edited by Redundant; Mar 4, 2014 at 10:41 PM.
How are you?
Guys, guys! Calm down!
I wouldn't be so sure that they will start an agressive war.
First of all - Russia and Ukraine are basically brother countries. They really don't want to war each other.
About Poland - Russians just tactically blocked the Ukraine edge where the riots could possibly run away.
I live in Estonia, and as far as I know - a lot of soldiers from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are imported to Ukraine to help out - as "European Support".
Seems pretty crazy, but Ukraine doesn't need the euro support. And the fact that Obama want's to attack Russians in Ukraine - makes America the catalyst of an upcoming war.
Good thing China doesn't let America make any radical moves.
If it'll really happen - then prepare your eyes for some nice fireworks:
Russia -> Ukraine, America
America -> Russia, Ukraine
China -> America
The more you think about war - the more chances of it to happen.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
I don't know if this has been said before, but NATO called an emergency meeting. And if the U.S. for whatever reason decides to intervene, it will NOT be pretty (no shit) for either us or the Russians. This has potential of starting a Third World War... All I can say, is be prepared for anything.
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Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
Considering the Ukrainian government never asked for any assistance makes that point sound pretty dumb to me. Additionally I believe that if they asked for help many nations, Russians as well as Europeans, would gladly move in to provide a balance.
At this point nobody would dare to send in any troops because of the Russian presence, so you can't tell me it's all fun and games as suggested by those pictures.

Crimea government, not Ukraine, actually asked for assistance since lots of Russians live in Crimea.
Luckiest player ever.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
I highly doubt. This would escalate into a world war. Not tryin to be a dick, but the conflict isn't that much of a world concern. The man isn't trying to go on a world wide sweep across the land to obtain it, but Is simply going after a decent sized country in the ocean of other countries

None of the world wars started from 'world concerns'. People just get dragged in to other people's problems.

It was pretty obvious Russia would intervene eventually considering the protests in Kiev.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Mar 5, 2014 at 06:15 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
The German Warmachine was a world concern at the time, with each moved they made they gained strength, if it wasn't a world concern then Europe would be one different place

This just doesn't have the heat. I think we would know another world war was a foot.
I don't think there's gonna be a third WW, but for different reasons than T0ribush.

As ego pointed out, there are enough reasons for Russia to be interested in Ukraine. First of all, there's the naval base on Crimea (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevastopol !!!!!). Second, there are large populations of Russian-Ukrainian inhabitants in the north & east of Ukraine. Third: the east of Ukraine is the actual powerhouse of the country (industry, agriculture & gas). This is what putin is concerned about. He actually ordered to speed up building a bridge between Russia and Crimea (http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/0...A221EM20140303)

Russia would be stupid to give this up. I admit that the russian population in Ukraine is just an excuse, though.

What's the EU's interest in Ukraine? There is interest, but not as big as Russia's
- Eastern part is the economical stronghold and is pro-russian
- Western part (pro EU) is not as strong and nobody would benefit from this part joining the EU
- Ukraine is a torn up country near bankruptcy
The gas pipelines running from Russia to EU is definitely a big factor. Not sure that anything would change to this if Russia were to seize (eastern?)Ukraine (maybe ego can answer this).

Anyway, I think it's going to become a second cold war. Putin wants the glory of the early soviet union back. He dreams of a strong russian empire that triumphs over america. This is his chance, he's nervous but he's not going to lift his foot, you can be sure of this. The economy of russia will suffer (ruble already dropping to lower values, russian stock market is failing etc), but russia still supplies natural gas to EU that it can't miss.

Also, Tarlan, your Ukrainian friends are definitely biased, as is everyone in this argument. My guess is that they live on or close to the Crim, or very deep in the east. Those are the pro-russian areas.

Russia actually sent troops to stop the fights between pro and contra (ultranationalist, extreme right wing fascists) russian groups.

Also ego, the russian troops in crimea don't wear insignia or identification. I don't know. The troops pictured are definitely russian troops, but the population is fond of them. Actually, crimea called for russian help.

Some higher up in West-Ukraine (some bank owner idk) tried to convince us that russia is going to put ukrainian attack in scene (i.e. that russia will kill its own russian population in ukraine) and then point the finger at ukraine. That would partially explain why none of the soldiers wear identification. I call bullshit because the rest of his text was full of propaganda.
f=m*a syens
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
Also ego, the russian troops in crimea don't wear insignia or identification. I don't know. The troops pictured are definitely russian troops, but the population is fond of them. Actually, crimea called for russian help.

Some higher up in West-Ukraine (some bank owner idk) tried to convince us that russia is going to put ukrainian attack in scene (i.e. that russia will kill its own russian population in ukraine) and then point the finger at ukraine. That would partially explain why none of the soldiers wear identification. I call bullshit because the rest of his text was full of propaganda.

Putin officially denies that those soldiers are Russian. It's just another tool to annoy the West.
How are you?
I fail to see the problem with russia occupying ukraine; there are god damn nazis running the party atm. Id rather have the rise of a soviet union again than nazi-governments in europe (again).
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!