If somebody wants to get an abortion it is probably because they don't want anything to do with the child. If that child is then born, what will the parents do? Abandon it because they didn't want it in the first place...That child will then live a depressing life probably in A: an orphanage or B: adoption.

B is probably better for the kid but how would you feel if you never knew your own parents and found out they never wanted you in the first place? I have a friend who's mother was going to go for abortion but I am not sure what happened. She even told me that her dad used to kick her mom's stomach to try and kill the baby from inside!

That...is just sad.

See how serious this is people!? My friend got lucky that her parents decided to keep her and still look after her but on another note, they could have just left her!

Now I am not UP for abortion or DOWN for abortion but I believe if the couple are serious about getting an abortion then leave them to it. Then you have the fact they are carrying new life inside their body and a child with a future who never got to live but it depends or not if that child was even a fetus by then.

I have seen one or two people post 'If the women wants to.' but what about the future farther? If the mother doesn't want anything to do with it how about she goes through with it and just throw the baby over to the dad to look after. She will probably later end up caring for the child and looking after it too.

In the end, I support abortion using reasons said.
But I am also down for it because it is just sad to destroy what could have been an amazing thing who might have achieved many things.
Originally Posted by Space View Post
It's NOT up to the government to decide what women want to do with their bodies. Lets say a woman gets raped, she gets pregnant and she dies because of childbirth, lets say that if she aborted the baby earlier on she could of lived a full life. It's not up to "god" or anyone else's opinion of what the matter is. The reason why abortion is still legal is because of this reason.

The counter argument is that you're killing a person which is true but still. If women are pro life they can keep their babies however it's not fair to the rape victims who wouldn't have a choice. End of discussion.

Just as Space said, God (whatever god you're talking about) isn't going to "dominate" your life. You do whatever you want, unless you want to be by the strict rules of mostly all religions. Abortion is not a crime, the baby doesn't even think, so what's so cruel about it. Raped women don't wanna have a child to carry on with that boy/girl that remembers that experience to her. Abortion is a way to help the parents or mom survive. A lot of people don't have the money to buy a simple apple, and then if the abort their "baby" they're criminals? Well, if this is how religions, mostly Christianism (with all due respect), restrict the world... Why say it's a crime?
Last edited by nerti; Mar 16, 2014 at 09:13 PM.
Modo Bestia
Originally Posted by nerti View Post
Just as Space said, God (whatever god you're talking about) isn't going to "dominate" your life. You do whatever you want, unless you want to be by the strict rules of mostly all religions...Well, if this is how religions, mostly Christianism (with all due respect), restrict the world... Why say it's a crime?

You can't just rain down on religions man. I am Christian and I have never heard another Christian anywhere say "Abortion is a crime." I am not sure about other religions but not all religions have STRICT rules. In Christianity it's pretty much the easy way. We live just like any un-religious person but the difference is that we may attend church and believe in god. Thats pretty much it. Also, Christianism isn't a word and I was just a bit offended the way you were saying religions think abortion is a crime and that you think religions (you also added MOSTLY CHRISTIANITY) restrict the world.

You should actually get information off people with religions than making up facts in your head and to answer your question: "Why say it's a crime?"

As a Christian I will say, I never said it was and I don't think it is.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
You can't just rain down on religions man. I am Christian and I have never heard another Christian anywhere say "Abortion is a crime."



That does not mean I disrespect Christian people, just showing that Christians do think it's a crime according to the 6th commandment.
Also, if you are going to debate that abortion is wrong, please do not use the bible. Use arguments that a person who does not believe in the Christian God will understand.
There are too many religions, and trying to force the rules of ONE religion onto others is just wrong. Imagine being forced to live under Muslim rules. While those may be good rules, you probably wouldn't be too happy about it because you are no Muslim.
I hope you agree.
Last edited by Redundant; Mar 16, 2014 at 10:22 PM.
How are you?
I'm not saying all Christians think like that, but most of them do. Trust me, I was a Christian too, Catholic to be exact.
And other religions do the same too. Just like Redundant just posted. I'm not insulting all religions. Just criticizing some of them.
Last edited by nerti; Mar 16, 2014 at 10:20 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Modo Bestia
I never used 'the bible' to say abortion is wrong, in the end I mostly support abortion with reasons stated on my 1st post on this thread.

I do agree that being forced to live by rules which you should have the right to differ would suck. Here where I live that doesn't happen much as for as I know.
Last edited by Kradel; Mar 16, 2014 at 11:34 PM.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post

No one knows who Hitler is? No one knows the Sixth Commandment?

Man, starting off with the Hitler example is great, this guy knows how to sway an audience. "Would you kill the Jews?" "Would you kill the baby?"

I wouldn't say this is a master class in manipulation, but this is really good. Backing people in to the corner there with fallacies and comparisons to Hitler, great work. And using the Ten Commandments (actually I've seen that before in a few other documentaries, so I know it's pretty common), it's all so good. This is why religion is popular.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Also, I think it's unfair that the man gets no say in the abortion. If the woman goes through with the pregnancy the man still has to pay child support even if he wanted an abortion. Conversely if the man wants to keep the child, the woman can still get it aborted. There's a lot of asymmetry of rights between men and women, but I think it's a absurd that the woman is allowed to decide not only the fate of the child, but the fate of the man too.

I don't disagree with you in that there is an "asymmetry of rights" in our current system. But, I am curious what laws you would implement in place of our current ones? And why or how (if it's not blatantly obvious) the laws you would implement provide a reasonably fair balance of rights? Assuming you have an alternate system in mind ready to suggest that is. I personally haven't yet thought of a better system than the stats quo, considering the fact that the child actually exists inside the woman and the implications thereof that is.
Originally Posted by Mzebra View Post
abortion is cool.

I dont see any problem in killing an unborn child. Apple seeds arent apples.

And a apple seed doesn't have a heartbeat, I don't know how you can relate a unborn child and a apple seed.
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