Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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ToriConquest '09
ToriConquest '09

The first annual Conquest competition


Okay, so long story short, I'm back, and I thought up a way to organise a tournament that's WAY different from all the competitions that are currently out here. This 'might' be an annual thing, meaning I want it to be, and if there is demand, it sure as hell will be.

The Pitch

You know how all these tournaments are just regular knockout tournaments, or stuff like that? Then you get the league and some other competitions with a bit more organisation? Well I'm taking this a step further.

Behold. The Conquest!

First off, there are spots for at most 60 players. These players will organise themselves in teams of 2 to 8 players. This doesn't mean a clan will necessarily have to have a clan team. A multi-clan team can be formed, or a NO-clan team can also be formed.

Upon signing up, each player will provide a form containing information about their character. This form will be made available when signups are open.

The basic premise is this. You are [your-name-here]. You've been entered into a tournament. This is life-or-death. You have a collar around your neck that will explode if you fail to follow the rules.

You and your team start in one of the squares on the map. Each week of real time will mark the passage of one day in-game. This means you have around 5 days of real time to decide amongst yourselves where you will move (you can move one square per in-game day) and post in the week's thread (you can stand in the same square for any amount of time, should you decide to). After each day I will sum up what has happened with a short story, and examine everything.

If you end up on the same square as another team in a day, you will have a fight. This will work like a tournament, refereed by one of the people helping me. The winner remains there, might receive some kind of prize if it's an exceptional fight, and the loser is gone from the game world for 2 in-game days (2 weeks), after which they spawn on a random empty tile.

If a team loses 2 battles in a row, they are disqualified.

This will all form Phase 1. In this phase you should try to eliminate as many teams as you can, form alliances if you will, and get everything ordered.

Phase 1 will last for a week in-game. That is 7 weeks of real time.

After this, Phase 2 will start. I won't spoil it, but believe me, it'll be fast paced, and probably filled with a lot of alliances being broken.

Right. So you're probably going. What the hell. 7 weeks? You should know this is a 21 week project at the very least. It's a competition that is going to take that long. True, you're not going to be actually fighting that often. Once a week, maybe once every two weeks at the most. The majority of the time will be spent on organising, planning, and me writing everything out with a storyline.

As such, this will probably not be a very tense competition, and will be pretty laid-back. Think of it as a strategy game.


Sign-ups will be opening approximately 2 weeks from now, however I'd appreciate it if people would start forming teams and PMing me stating their interest to participate. Sign-ups will last for 2 weeks, and will be free, however I will reserve the right to deny a team in order to make room for another.


Nothing has been settled on here as of yet, but the prizes will be fairly large. To be discussed further.


Feel free to use this thread to participate in meaningful discussion about this competition. As such, if you only intend to post 'good luck' or 'participating', please don't. You may ask questions here, offer suggestions, or offer assistance.


Since some people don't get it, I'll bold it. Post here if you're asking a question, offering suggestions, or assistance. Not for stuff like 'this is unique' or etc. Trying to keep this clutter-free.
Last edited by Jok; Feb 2, 2009 at 11:42 PM.
Originally Posted by Lluminatis View Post
:O that's fucking harsh...so basically don't land on a teams square if you know you can't schedule a fight with them...um...k so then....each square...will it have up to date logos and a week by week screenshot of the map? like. each team will have a logo and on the map it goes on their spot with something to indicate where they came from? graphs of progress/wins would be neat too.

EDIT: lol run on sentence ftw

Didn't consider logos. That will probably be done. If not, some way of identifying the teams will be available.

Graphs will be made every so often.

Week-by-week info will be something like:

-not in-character summary of day's events
-in-character details of the day's events
-other info
I would like someone to take each rpl. get them lined up. know what the fuck is going on, and make a video. preferably someone professional like toritori9 (i dont know if he's still active) But it would be good publicity for next year. Not to mention just all around awesome. make it all whack racers themed and shit. I would do it but I'm not a professional at making toribash videos. I had a hard enough time fitting a 10 second clip into one of my videos.
Originally Posted by Gubbin1 View Post
are we allowed to traverse the water?

At the beginning no, however in Phase 2, a method for some specific paths will be supplied.

Water will be used for ambushing people, generally.

Also, considering a tile is a day's walk at the least, I wouldn't want to try to swim that distance while with an explosive collar on my neck. ;]
Originally Posted by Jok View Post
At the beginning no, however in Phase 2, a method for some specific paths will be supplied.

Water will be used for ambushing people, generally.

Also, considering a tile is a day's walk at the least, I wouldn't want to try to swim that distance while with an explosive collar on my neck. ;]

You should make swamp or something on that map. It would make you fight in higher gravity or something. :P
a) Why are some portions of the land colored differently?

b) It would be awesome if you could get a bunch of enviro-modders to make different mods for different squares (e.g a battle on a hilltop (not the most original idea out there but hey its an example)). Probably a big undertaking but it would be amazing if it were pulled off.

c) What if 3 or more teams land on the same spot?

d) In real life I think 2 fighters against 8 would have a major disadvantage. Will working in a team be more effective than going as a couple/trio etc.

e)(yes there are a lot of questions) Will rpg-ish elements be incorporated where certain squares have a "treasure" for the lucky team that first lands on it.

f) elaborating on e, also some squares where you face a group of people who aren't in the run for the prizes, but still can defeat you and get you eliminated.

g) (these just keep going on don't they :P) Last two teams left will instantly be forced to face each other right?

h) Will you be able to "betray" your team and leave for a different one, like if you start having second doubts about the abilities of your team?

Sorry if one of these questions were asked before but this is something I would really love to be a part of, so I want to go in with full optimism.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Danvari View Post
You should make swamp or something on that map. It would make you fight in higher gravity or something. :P

Good idea. However, probably it'll just be higher gravity if the mod is picked like that.

Originally Posted by Gubbin1 View Post
what mod will the encounters be?

Mod will be decided by the teams themselves. If they can't reach an agreement, I will step in and pick a mod randomly. Of course, no weird mods will be used. Exceptions will be made, sometimes. Like if there are two 2-man teams and they both keep one player from fighting, in that case, for example, one might be able to use zipline.tbm for the story's sake. However it'll be rare.

Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
a) Why are some portions of the land colored differently?

The green ones are areas you can enter. The grey ones are not areas in themselves. There are 25 green areas.

Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
b) It would be awesome if you could get a bunch of enviro-modders to make different mods for different squares (e.g a battle on a hilltop (not the most original idea out there but hey its an example)). Probably a big undertaking but it would be amazing if it were pulled off.

Maybe for the next one. ;]

Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post

c) What if 3 or more teams land on the same spot?

Probably a grand tournament with all three teams participating. The system isn't fully laid out, since I only have 2v8, 8v8, 4v4 set in stone so far, but something could be improvised.

Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post

d) In real life I think 2 fighters against 8 would have a major disadvantage. Will working in a team be more effective than going as a couple/trio etc.

I'm trying as hard as I can to keep it equal, however of course there will be disadvantages. For example, the 2 fighters would both fight a lot more, so fatigue on the player will be an issue. And if one of the players can't fight well, it's a lot worse than if one of the 8 fighters can't fight well.

Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
e)(yes there are a lot of questions) Will rpg-ish elements be incorporated where certain squares have a "treasure" for the lucky team that first lands on it.

Phase 2 will have something similar to this.

Also exceptional fights, like a fight where one team claims they will win, for example, without losing a fight, and successfully do so, will get a larger part in the story of the week, and possibly a prize.

Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
f) elaborating on e, also some squares where you face a group of people who aren't in the run for the prizes, but still can defeat you and get you eliminated.

Phases 2/3 will have something like this. Depends on who enters I suppose.

Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
g) (these just keep going on don't they :P) Last two teams left will instantly be forced to face each other right?

Nope. Phase 1 will be impossible to leave with only 2 teams. Calculated all possible movements, and you can't make it so they all end up dead. Phase 2 will bring in a new element and remove death as it was up until then.

Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
h) Will you be able to "betray" your team and leave for a different one, like if you start having second doubts about the abilities of your team?

Indeed, you will be able to switch sides, however think of it this way. If you switch to a team, they'll trust you far less than if you started with them. After all, you betrayed your last team, why wouldn't you betray theirs.

Of course, there'll be a small penalty for doing so. Probably something like a day out of action.

Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
Sorry if one of these questions were asked before but this is something I would really love to be a part of, so I want to go in with full optimism.

No worries. Hope I got everything answered.
I can offer graphical assistance on this project, if you need help with interface design, ect.
Pope of BnW[Torigod]Lord of WibblesYouTubeToriblog AdminInterface Artist
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Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.