We are grow slowly but surely soon will be the king of clans
Hey You, Yea You im the founder DukeL why dont you join us and will reach the top ^ :D
I've only been in this clan a day but I think this clan can do a lot in order to get to rank one in the clan list.
Hey guys, if you haven't noticed already, I am now the head of Forum Recruitment of the clan and a Leader :3 This is gonna be good
Toribash? completed it mate

Hello, thanks to qim i was just accepted into Duke Nazo. I Hope that i will be able to help in some way with the clans goals in the future. a
Your old clan pix sent me a Pm on the forums saying you were very rude and mean to the people trying to recruit are clan is about fun not being mean to the people trying to get in. maybe you can do another app and hahalolol will give you a chance but for now i dont trust you
Hey You, Yea You im the founder DukeL why dont you join us and will reach the top ^ :D