Awesome mod heres some replays.

First replay - i tried to grab the sword with my hand before i poped it off, to throw it more accuratly, but it killed me, D: but i still managed to get a good throw

Other replay - i tried for a super stylish decap throw, but only bopped uke's head D:

Edit: it seems the space in the mod name makes it not load while watching replays, might want to fix that
Last edited by ishi; Oct 16, 2008 at 02:57 PM.


open a blank note pad and put this in:

body l_hand
sides 1.50 0.03 0.03
pos 3.00 0.85 2.3
flag 6
material flesh
color 12 10 11

joint l_wrist
radius 0.11
pos 2.32 0.85 2.3
flag 6
axis 1 0 0
range 1.0 -1.0
strength 100.0
velocity 200.0
material flesh

then save it as Throwing Sword.tbm
and when it asks you if your sure about changing it from .txt to .tbm say yes =D
i think u should make an non instagib version and make the hand look like a dagger when it is grabbed then that way its a sword and dagger throw... [Off Topic] the hamster is freaky Coco [/Off Topic]