Don't kill us in the process, dude. Go tackle him back with a big grin on yer face.
master of the universe
Uhm I know a little bit about girls, and await the response to Jonggi's question then I can help you ... as for the bully? do you do any sport?
nope, don't do sports. lately he hasn't been giving me shit.

thank god he didn't approach me today. i was pissed. off. had to run the mile in PE and i can't fucking run for my life. i was tired. and my teachers are giving us a shit ton of work. i had like 12 sheets of work assigned yesterday and it's due tommorrow. i swear i would've falcon'd him just like in the original falcon punch,
lol ^

1. then he will falcon punch me
2. people already think i'm gay. that wouldn't help me.
3. he'd think i'm a pansy for not doing anything better.