No bids at all yet, so I draw the clever conclusion that I need to lower the starting bid ;P And the minimum raise. And the autobuy. And add all particle textures in this thread as free bonus on top for the auction winner!
New starting bid is 200k. If that doesn't make friends, I'm going to keep the flame for next winter ;)

can I just buy one? The Third to the left. The flame texture. not the real flame
Last edited by Numb; May 15, 2009 at 06:49 AM.
Third to the left in the upper or lower row?
It depends on the outcome of this auction. I want to sell the flame first and see if the winner is okay with you having the texture. If yes, you can have it, of course.
I can tell you on Monday. Don't want to detach the textures from this auction because they make it unique. Not that it helped so far

\\ Edit
Whoa, just looked at the flames in the neighbour threads. They sell cheaper, no wonder this don't get any bids. Should have looked before!
Okay, 150k starting bid then!
Last edited by Fluxit; May 16, 2009 at 12:42 PM.
Omg, these flames are so hot. U sure you're not trading it for anything in my inv? :3
I got some platinum, azurite, imperial stuff...
hey flux, dependin on what i do wit my flame (like if i sell it or sumtin) i mite go up for yours
i dont like all the particles though, some are a lil girly for my liking (lolz) but some are cool
Last auction day!

@WolfBR: Sorry, nothing that I really need

@Dajoka:Textures are a bonus, feel free to ignore it ^^ But even so, they serve as example what is possible with this flame.
All flame colours in general are only changeable to a certain extent (although I've seen the colour forge link coming up, some kind of future Nabi idea, I guess). The colour range of this particular flame can be seen on the examples in the first post. Completely red isn't possible - I think. Blue yes, as it's shown on the screenshot.