wait im making it now

edit: this?

and if u dont like that ill keep trying until you do
Last edited by Julespino; Jul 29, 2009 at 03:40 PM.
hang on ill try to find a pic of one i mean but thats great and id like the hair a little darker with more shades of red in it
somthing like that but with red hair, not so much hair and no green blob over his eye
P.S this is not my head it is uLRUs head
P.P.S notice that black outline around the hair
Last edited by zoopy; Jul 30, 2009 at 01:05 AM.
i will try this
u want a head similar to my head avatar?
for some reason my heads wont spin ]'=.
and i save as .gif
Last edited by TapionV2; Jul 30, 2009 at 01:11 AM.
YES ALOT ITS AWSEOMENESS SUPER UBER COOL SWEET ummmmm.......DID I SAY AWSEOME yet? yeah ur avatar i mean but that other one in red blue or black would bo awseome too
ok im on it =D what colors? red?
ah yes im so pissed my little sister deleted all my files.
this the only one i have yet atm.
By asasinator2 at 2009-07-29
Last edited by TapionV2; Jul 30, 2009 at 02:09 AM.