Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Wow I forgot about this thread oops, I'll check more often. Thanks for the comments!
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Well, it's not normal (=strange) for men, isn't it?

It's especially not normal for lower socioeconomic men who live in ghettos.

You even said you painted them to stand-out, so you clearly know it's not what other guys around you are doing.

If you're gonna do something like this, own it. Don't pussyfoot around with insecurities, own it.

Thank you, Ele. I do get insecure often but I get these... Boosts of confidence from my nails? I don't know. Thanks for the comment.

Originally Posted by pouffy View Post
Painted nails are badass

HOWEVER every time i suggest i might do that i am preemptively disowned by all my family and peers, so maybe theres still a stigma about it

Aw that sucks, I cannot stand when my nails aren't painted, rn the nail polish is so worn that my pointer and my pinkie finger on my right hand are completely unpainted and it's driving me nuts lol.

Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
I do that too
why would it be strange? I feel okay with that, I just do my shit

I do my own shit too . What color are your nails? Mine are black but I'm thinking of doing like red or something. I wanna look like a rockstar.

Originally Posted by Berzerk View Post
black nails can look cool on males and i dont find it strange if guys do that

polishing ur nails any other color as a male is kinda weird to me but do whatever u want man

either way since u live in a ghetto area ur bound to get that reaction anyways

I have painted my nails different colors in the past, for example: red, pink, green, purple, blue, and yellow. I only liked the red and black, the pink was ok at first but I kinda grew to dislike it.
Originally Posted by junai View Post
I do my own shit too . What color are your nails? Mine are black but I'm thinking of doing like red or something. I wanna look like a rockstar.

yeah mine are black too, im still okay with black but some people keep suggesting me trying something else :b
when I care enough about it I might try some different color too
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I find it very strange. I mean I don't judge but I also don't find it very proper at all.
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.
i feel like fashion is a thing where you should feel free, you wanna dye your hair crazy colors? do it if it makes you happy. You wanna paint your nails? Do it if it makes you happy! It is your body after all
This is very true. A lot of people are too scared to dress and such as they want to because of how people might think of them. If they think of you in a bad way instead of accepting that that is simply how you want to look and shit then they are clearly not suited to be your friendo.
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.
Originally Posted by Aetas View Post
i feel like fashion is a thing where you should feel free, you wanna dye your hair crazy colors? do it if it makes you happy. You wanna paint your nails? Do it if it makes you happy! It is your body after all

I also feel that way about fashion. I'm glad it's evolved the way it has, in 2019 people can do many things they were afraid to do a long time ago.
honestly, i stopped evolving in 2015 so coming from a perspective that doesnt want to know what lgbt and transphobia is, its weird
Find me ingame and duel me
Originally Posted by heat View Post
honestly, i stopped evolving in 2015 so coming from a perspective that doesnt want to know what lgbt and transphobia is, its weird

It's nothing to do with LGBT ;P
well, i personally never give a fuck about what people think is stylish or not so do whatever you want.
and as much as i find it strange i think it can be really cool if it fit your style.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .