Originally Posted by missuse View Post
the article is so idiotic I don't even know where to begin to comment it. So I will just pass on that and leave u a this:
There is no and there will be no "one"cure for cancer. Cancer is something that is inherent to life. Depending on the type and position of cancer the body kills it of on its own, doctors can cut it out, drugs can halt its development, or destroy some types.
Inhibiting Glycolysis is a very good way to kill cells, brain cells especially - since they can use glucose as the only source of energy (well they can use keto acids too but that leads to keto acidosis and kidney failure)
If something can kill cultured cancer cells it does not mean it should be used as a therapeutic. Cyanide kills them pretty good to in in vitro culture


mitochondria is an organelle not a cell. Nuff said


He's right. THis isn't a real cure (i think)
So they're not investing in a drug that's already being produced as a generic?

Evil, I say.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
GUYS there CANNONT be a cure mostly because cancer IS A VIRUS not bactreia so the only way to "kill" it is to kill your own cells *facepalms evryone*

and no you cant use medicine the only way that we know of to chemo and to cut it out inb4itgetstobig
Lol I know Your jelly yeah........
Originally Posted by jcmert View Post
GUYS there CANNONT be a cure mostly because cancer IS A VIRUS not bactreia so the only way to "kill" it is to kill your own cells *facepalms evryone*

and no you cant use medicine the only way that we know of to chemo and to cut it out inb4itgetstobig

Cancer is NOT a virus dude...
do the reading and learn.

But; it can be caused by some viruses if thats what you mean...
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
Originally Posted by DjPz View Post
as of right now, we do not have a cure for cancer. We can't sell...a cure formula because WE DON'T HAVE ONE...yet.

Who know if they have one and they are hiding it?
Originally Posted by Smogard49 View Post

But; it can be caused by some viruses if thats what you mean...

Lol I know Your jelly yeah........
my dad is very good doctor
he is specialist in ayurveda,homopthic and allophetic medicines
and it is possible to cure cancer using dad makes ayurvedic medicines for cancer at home with me
he cured a couple of people with it but sadly that medicine only works in the most first stage of cancer...