Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Ok, so if I can break this down to try to explain what is going on;
Originally Posted by cjslick View Post
Another experience is in the 1 million gabe tourney, they told Risk that the crowd had biased-opinions when they re-voted but when it was Killer vs Me the TBradio hosts were cp'ing " go go killer we're on your side etc" and "this is here to distract cjprick" mid-game.
and they almost banned everyone who sided with me.

This event, that occured, was us siding with killer yes, that is true. However, as Vitta says, people were getting bored at the constant idiocy of you (and not to mention your clan mates) when it boiled down to whether you had won or not. We made those messages to brighten up the mood of the room, and we are sorry if it upset you. Also, not to mention that on that exact tournament we had a poll up to determine whether we would have a rematch or not because YOU didn't pay attention before the finals, where we stated all the rules for the match, and then proceeded to rig that very poll in favor of redoing the match after you lost.
Originally Posted by cjslick View Post
okay, and as soon as I get nudged the operator bans me..
then I get on an alt and ask why I was banned and then the operator bans me again.

Probably getting on an alt and re-entering the server, after an operator bans you for a specific reason, doesn't exactly help the situation at all does it?
Originally Posted by cjslick View Post
I give it a few minutes and get back in there with an alt, this time I literally just go in there to ask why they banned me, then a different operator bans me again, what I hate about the most about these operators is they won't even tell me why they ban me, they just ban me.. like, i'd be fine if they're like "sorry cj we('re) banning/banned you because ____________"

You do realise we have a blacklist right? Generally if you are being constantly banned from our servers, there is a high chance that you are on our blacklist for activities including bet servers and tournaments / events.

Originally Posted by cjslick View Post
And i'm not the only one with this problem..most of my friends hate some (not all, some are actually very nice like N3WB)operators because of these reasons and possibly more because of these, they think they're hot-shit now because they host tbradio etc..

Ok so, these 'friends' of yours are people that are breaking our rules and don't like the fact that we enforce them, in our own servers, because you are generally abusing ops or disrupting servers for your own entertainement. As for the 'hot-shit' part, you are completely off with that - we are doing this entirely for the community and not for our own gain, as something we would like to pay back, and it becomes an issue when people such as yourself consistently cause trouble for us as operators in such servers.

From looking at it, you are getting annoyed at the repercussions of your idiotic behavior in our servers, and even alongside this you obviously dont notice that we tell you multiple times about rules etc that we have. I for one am quite fed up with your constant spamming and overuse of caps in our servers, eg whenever you get a nudge I see about 4 or 5 messages every 4 or 5 seconds that say NUDGE ME or SOMEONE FUCKING NUDGE ME, as if you think we cannot read whereas we are actually managing an entire server, not just you.

If you cannot handle simple rules in our servers, or even uphold them, then we dont want you in them. It is simple as that.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
okay, well as I said, look at my latest screenshot, i'm pretty fucking sure just paying for a nudge is well behaved and you still banned me. my latest screenshots are just today, in other words last time i got banned was last week and im already 'behaving'
Originally Posted by cjslick View Post
okay, well as I said, look at my latest screenshot, i'm pretty fucking sure just paying for a nudge is well behaved and you still banned me. my latest screenshots are just today, in other words last time i got banned was last week and im already 'behaving'

That means you're in the blacklist.
Originally Posted by Abyss View Post
Ok, so if I can break this down to try to explain what is going on;
This event, that occured, was us siding with killer yes, that is true. However, as Vitta says, people were getting bored at the constant idiocy of you (and not to mention your clan mates) when it boiled down to whether you had won or not. We made those messages to brighten up the mood of the room, and we are sorry if it upset you. Also, not to mention that on that exact tournament we had a poll up to determine whether we would have a rematch or not because YOU didn't pay attention before the finals, where we stated all the rules for the match, and then proceeded to rig that very poll in favor of redoing the match after you lost.

that has nothing to do with what I literally just said, and 'proceeded to rig that very poll in favor of redoing the match after you lost? who started the poll exactly? you operators, and me rigging? who was saying '10k for each person who votes on me? killer, I dont care if only 1 person voted on him, the fact that he still said it stands, and i could really care less about killer and the tournament right now, i'm talking about what you were cp'ing during the match which was totally unecessary then calling the crowd biased

Originally Posted by cjslick View Post
that has nothing to do with what I literally just said, and 'proceeded to rig that very poll in favor of redoing the match after you lost? who started the poll exactly? you operators, and me rigging? who was saying '10k for each person who votes on me? killer, I dont care if only 1 person voted on him, the fact that he still said it stands, and i could really care less about killer and the tournament right now, i'm talking about what you were cp'ing during the match which was totally unecessary then calling the crowd biased

The person using the /cp wasnt actually any of the TBRadio members, for your information. We were all in a call at the time and I am glad to inform you it wasnt us. Also the poll I am talking about was the poll we put up using strawpoll that we originally used to have the finals rematch between you and him after you argued you had won for about half an hour. As for the 10k thing killer said, it was quite obviously a joke and the votes were still a landslide in your favor.

Also, read the first part of your original post where you mentioned that exact server.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
Originally Posted by Vitta View Post
There you go, i made it bold

in my latest screenshot i was being as behaved as I could possibly be
Originally Posted by cjslick View Post
in my latest screenshot i was being as behaved as I could possibly be

Where do you think this thread is going to lead you?
You and your friends messed up, end of story.
If you expect something to happen, ie getting removed from the blacklist, this thread has not helped you in any way. Just made our work harder and your ban much much longer.
Some advice, close the thread.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
Originally Posted by Abyss View Post
The person using the /cp wasnt actually any of the TBRadio members, for your information. We were all in a call at the time and I am glad to inform you it wasnt us. Also the poll I am talking about was the poll we put up using strawpoll that we originally used to have the finals rematch between you and him after you argued you had won for about half an hour. As for the 10k thing killer said, it was quite obviously a joke and the votes were still a landslide in your favor.

oh right tbradio hosts of the operators excluding gabe, and i can guarantee you it wasn't him unless he comes to the thread and admits that it was. otherwise who did it then? lmfao i mean no one else hates me as bad as you guys

and how are you so sure it was a joke?
Originally Posted by DonutFatal View Post
Where do you think this thread is going to lead you?
You and your friends messed up, end of story.
If you expect something to happen, ie getting removed from the blacklist, this thread has not helped you in any way. Just made our work harder and your ban much much longer.
Some advice, close the thread.

even not my friends, even just people i see in duel servers
Last edited by cjslick; Jul 28, 2014 at 09:03 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Alright, 1 last explanation.
We banned you from our servers because you're in our blacklist. You paid for a nudge, the bot nudged you, so we have nothing in debt with you anymore. We do not want to keep ridiculously stupid people in our servers so that other people or players can enjoy the game and of course the server.

For gabe's 1 million tourney server, It was not us who did the /cp.
We banned people from the server to cool the situation down a little bit.
You and people siding with you weren't being fair at all, you started swearing, calling people names etc etc.
If you didn't like how we run servers, there is a solution, you just need to leave the server. We can do kick or ban or mute whoever in our servers. And we do it with reasons of course. Obvious reasons.

Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by cjslick View Post
and how are you so sure it was a joke?

It seems like a pretty 'obvious' joke to me. Idk about u guys :/